# include the endless scrolling javascript code
sg_news_scrollbrowser = EXT:sg_news/Resources/Public/JavaScript/ScrollBrowser.js
sg_news_tabs = EXT:sg_news/Resources/Public/JavaScript/Tabs.js
sg_news_likes = EXT:sg_news/Resources/Public/JavaScript/Likes.js
# news feed as own page type
newsFeed = PAGE
newsFeed {
typeNum = 78906523
10 = USER
10 {
userFunc = TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Core\Bootstrap->run
extensionName = SgNews
pluginName = NewsFeed
vendorName = SGalinski
controller = NewsFeed
action = index
view < plugin.tx_sgnews.view
persistence < plugin.tx_sgnews.persistence
features < plugin.tx_sgnews.features
legacy < plugin.tx_sgnews.legacy
settings {
# if not provided all categories are shown
showCategories =
config {
disableAllHeaderCode = 1
additionalHeaders = Content-type:text/xml
no_cache = 1
xhtml_cleaning = 0
# news feed integration into the site
page.headerData {
273905123652 = TEXT
273905123652 {
dataWrap = <link rel="alternate" title="News Feed" type="application/atom+xml" href="{TSFE:absRefPrefix}news.xml" />
# content rendering information for the single news view
lib.mainContent < styles.content.get = colPos=1
Stefan Galinski
templateRootPaths {
0 = {$plugin.tx_sgnews.view.templateRootPath}
1 =
partialRootPaths {
0 = {$plugin.tx_sgnews.view.partialRootPath}
1 =
layoutRootPaths {
0 = {$plugin.tx_sgnews.view.layoutRootPath}
1 =
persistence {
enableAutomaticCacheClearing = 0
updateReferenceIndex = 1
settings {
# Name of your site - required for the news.xml
# Your rootpage id - required for the news.xml to retrieve the base path
# News limit (can be usually set also inside the flexforms)
newsLimitPerPage = {$plugin.tx_sgnews.settings.newsLimitPerPage}
# Uid of the page containing sys_category records used as tags
tagPid = {$plugin.tx_sgnews.settings.tagPid}
# How to sort the news in general (date, positionInTree)
sortBy = date
# sort direction (DESC / ASC)
sortDirection = {$plugin.tx_sgnews.settings.sortDirection}
# The publisher value for the structured data implementation (see single view template)

Torsten Oppermann
publisher =
# The logo value for the structured data implementation (see single view template)

Torsten Oppermann
publisherLogo =
features {
skipDefaultArguments = 1
legacy {
enableLegacyFlashMessageHandling = 0
pagebrowser = USER
pagebrowser {
userFunc = TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Core\Bootstrap->run
extensionName = SgNews
pluginName = PageBrowser
vendorName = SGalinski
controller = PageBrowser
action = index
view < plugin.tx_sgnews.view
persistence < plugin.tx_sgnews.persistence
features < plugin.tx_sgnews.features

Philipp Nowinski
# cHash can't be generated for pageBrowser call; will cause a 404 error if not set to 0
features.requireCHashArgumentForActionArguments = 0
legacy < plugin.tx_sgnews.legacy
settings {
# Number of page links to show before the current page
pagesBefore = {$plugin.tx_sgnews.pagebrowser.settings.pagesBefore}
# Number of page links to show before the current page
pagesAfter = {$plugin.tx_sgnews.pagebrowser.settings.pagesAfter}
# Enables section for "more" pages. This section is shown after links to next pages, normally like three dots (1 2 3 ...). Notice that you can also hide it by emptying corresponding template section.
enableMorePages = {$plugin.tx_sgnews.pagebrowser.settings.enableMorePages}
# Enables section for "less" pages. This section is shown after links to next pages, normally like three dots (... 1 2 3). Notice that you can also hide it by emptying corresponding template section.
enableLessPages = {$plugin.tx_sgnews.pagebrowser.settings.enableLessPages}
# The number of the pages
numberOfPages = 0
# The current page
currentPage = 0
plugin.tx_sgcomments {
settings {
additionalMailRecipients {
preUserFunc = SGalinski\SgNews\UserFunction\AddAdditionalMailRecipients->addAdditionalMailRecipients