'description' => 'This marker is used for X in the email'
marker = the variable name you use in the template
type = the date type of the variable
value = an example value, visible in the backend to the editors
description = a brief description for what this variable is intended for
Finally you have to call the function **\SGalinski\SgMail\Service\MailTemplateService::registerTemplate** (this is only marked deprecated for public use)
inside your **register()** function and pass all the necessary values.
Now you can register the class in your **ext_localconf.php** with
You find a complete example of this process in the file **SGalinski\SgMail\Example\Register**
#### MailTemplateService
#### MailTemplateService
This class provides you with an API to the mailing functionality and various helper functions regarding the your templates.
This class provides you with an API to the mailing functionality and various helper functions regarding the your templates.
Here is an overview of some important functions:
Here is an overview of some important functions:
###### function registerTemplate
A static function that adds your template to the service. Should be called from within your **Register** class (see **RegisterInterface**).
###### function registerByFile
Registers a template by providing a complete class name of your **RegisterInterface** implementation as an argument.
Needs to be called from within your **ext_localconf.php**.
###### function getDefaultTemplateMarker
###### function getDefaultTemplateMarker
Reads custom example template marker from your **locallang.xlf**. This is only useful if you need multi language examples in your Backend Marker
Reads custom example template marker from your **locallang.xlf**. This is only useful if you need multi language examples in your Backend Marker
###### function getRegisterArray
Returns an array of all registered templates, with each element in the following format:
'templatePath' => '/path/to/template',
'description' => 'description of the template',
'marker' => $arrayOfMarkers,
'extension' => 'extension_key',
'templateName' => 'unique_template_name',
'subject' => 'The mail subject',
'usage' => 'optional description of this templates usage'
###### function loadPredefinedValuesForTemplate
###### function loadPredefinedValuesForTemplate
Sets the predefined values for this template that have been supplied by the editor. Use this method if you have no custom values for
Sets the predefined values for this template that have been supplied by the editor. Use this method if you have no custom values for
@@ -302,10 +232,6 @@ Sends your mail or adds it to the mailing queue, depending on the settings. You
@@ -302,10 +232,6 @@ Sends your mail or adds it to the mailing queue, depending on the settings. You
###### function sendMailFromQueue
###### function sendMailFromQueue
Forces the sending of an E-Mail from within the queue. If it has already been sent, it gets send again.
Forces the sending of an E-Mail from within the queue. If it has already been sent, it gets send again.
###### function setRegisterArray
Enables you to overwrite the register array. This overwrites **ALL** registered templates with the supplied data
and should be handled with care.
###### function addAttachment
###### function addAttachment
With this function you can add attachments to your mail. The attachment must be of type *Swift_OutputByteStream*. You must also specify the content-type of the attachment.
With this function you can add attachments to your mail. The attachment must be of type *Swift_OutputByteStream*. You must also specify the content-type of the attachment.