'description' => 'This marker is used for X in the email'
marker = the variable name you use in the template
type = the date type of the variable
value = an example value, visible in the backend to the editors
description = a brief description for what this variable is intended for
Finally you have to call the function **\SGalinski\SgMail\Service\MailTemplateService::registerTemplate** (this is only marked deprecated for public use)
inside your **register()** function and pass all the necessary values.
Now you can register the class in your **ext_localconf.php** with
You find a complete example of this process in the file **SGalinski\SgMail\Example\Register**
#### MailTemplateService
This class provides you with an API to the mailing functionality and various helper functions regarding the your templates.
Here is an overview of some important functions:
###### function registerTemplate
A static function that adds your template to the service. Should be called from within your **Register** class (see **RegisterInterface**).
###### function registerByFile
Registers a template by providing a complete class name of your **RegisterInterface** implementation as an argument.
Needs to be called from within your **ext_localconf.php**.
###### function getDefaultTemplateMarker
Reads custom example template marker from your **locallang.xlf**. This is only useful if you need multi language examples in your Backend Marker
###### function getRegisterArray
Returns an array of all registered templates, with each element in the following format:
'templatePath' => '/path/to/template',
'description' => 'description of the template',
'marker' => $arrayOfMarkers,
'extension' => 'extension_key',
'templateName' => 'unique_template_name',
'subject' => 'The mail subject',
'usage' => 'optional description of this templates usage'
###### function loadPredefinedValuesForTemplate
Sets the predefined values for this template that have been supplied by the editor. Use this method if you have no custom values for
@@ -302,10 +232,6 @@ Sends your mail or adds it to the mailing queue, depending on the settings. You
###### function sendMailFromQueue
Forces the sending of an E-Mail from within the queue. If it has already been sent, it gets send again.
###### function setRegisterArray
Enables you to overwrite the register array. This overwrites **ALL** registered templates with the supplied data
and should be handled with care.
###### function addAttachment
With this function you can add attachments to your mail. The attachment must be of type *Swift_OutputByteStream*. You must also specify the content-type of the attachment.