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Commit e226b74c authored by Stefan Galinski's avatar Stefan Galinski :video_game:
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Merge branch 'feature_fixHeaderStylingAndJavaScript' into 'master'

[FEATURE] Rewrite News Slider Similar to Website-Base Sliders

See merge request !21
parents f4364a21 4cd1e6c9
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Tags 7.0.3
1 merge request!21[FEATURE] Rewrite News Slider Similar to Website-Base Sliders
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Usage Example:
<f:render partial="Teaser" arguments="{
<f:render partial="TeaserOverview" arguments="{
newsMetaData: newsMetaData,
headerTag: '<h3>',
closingHeaderTag: '</h3>',
......@@ -19,76 +19,83 @@
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{tag.title}<f:if condition="{it.isLast}"><f:else>, </f:else></f:if>
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}" />
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<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 320 512" width="30" height="44">
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