@@ -313,4 +313,16 @@ You can also handle the localisation of news pages for all the languages in your
-**full-opacity flag icon** : Edit the existing localisation record
-**half-transparent flag icon with <img height="14px" width="14px" src="https://camo.githubusercontent.com/b10f4d50dc21b152cde15cef5983c139e77b1c34/68747470733a2f2f7261776769742e636f6d2f5459504f332f5459504f332e49636f6e732f6d61737465722f646973742f6f7665726c61792f6f7665726c61792d6e65772e737667"/> overlay** : Create new localisation record
***Note*** : The extension also adds a News Module link in the Page Module of News/Category pages
\ No newline at end of file
***Note*** : The extension also adds a News Module link in the Page Module of News/Category pages
## Migrating tx_news to sg_news
This extension comes with the command controller task **** to migirate tx_news entries to sg_news. The task comes with the following parameters:
-**copyPageId** : You will need a template site, which will be the basis of each new news record. Create your content elements accordingly on this site.
-**categoryPid** : This needs to be the category page id, you want your news to be children of.
-**year** : Only news of this year will be migrated
-**languageMapAsJson** : a json string, mapping language ids (old => new). this is needed if the sys_language_uids have changed