This extension provides an email templating service and mail queue functionality for all your TYPO3 extensions.
It also supports Templates in various languages, which can be managed in the backend.
Additionally sg_mail provides a finisher class for the [Formhandler]( extension, making it possible to manage its templates in the backend.
## The Backend Module
After a successful Installation, you have a new module in the "WEB" section of your TYPO3 Backend.
Clicking on it loads the administration panel. Here you can create, update, delete and test your E-Mail templates.
## Usage
### Registering your Extension
To integrate sg_mail available for your extension, you have to register it inside your **ext_localconf.php**
by supplying a path string to an implementation of **SGalinski\SgMail\Service\RegisterInterface** with:
@@ -16,7 +38,7 @@ by supplying a path string to an implementation of **SGalinski\SgMail\Service\Re
* the template markers(placeholder variables)
* the subjects for all templates. Here you have to use an associative array language_code => subject
### Example :
**Example*** :
An example class can be found here: **SGalinski\SgMail\Example\Register**