# cat=plugin.tx_sgjobs/other; type=int+; If set to 1, the application-form page will redirect to the overview if no jobId is passed
disallowUnsolicitedApplication = 0
pagebrowser.settings {
# Number of page links to show before the current page
pagesBefore = 1
# Number of page links to show before the current page
pagesAfter = 1
# Enables section for "more" pages. This section is shown after links to next pages, normally like three dots (1 2 3 ...). Notice that you can also hide it by emptying corresponding template section.
enableMorePages = 1
# Enables section for "less" pages. This section is shown after links to next pages, normally like three dots (... 1 2 3) Notice that you can also hide it by emptying corresponding template section.