* Preprocesses the content that is saved into the database to get rid of dangerous newlines
* in lists. Unfortunately they cause problematic paragraphs in the frontend. Can be evaluated
* with nested lists.
* @param string $value Input value
* @param array $specConf Special configuration for a field; This is coming from the types-configuration of the field in the TCA. In the types-configuration you can setup features for the field rendering and in particular the RTE takes al its major configuration options from there!
* @param string $direction Direction of the transformation. Two keywords are allowed; "db" or "rte". If "db" it means the transformation will clean up content coming from the Rich Text Editor and goes into the database. The other direction, "rte", is of course when content is coming from database and must be transformed to fit the RTE.
* @param array $thisConfig Parsed TypoScript content configuring the RTE, probably coming from Page TSconfig.