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Created with Raphaël 2.2.024Jan11Sep622Aug18Feb623Jan7Dec23Nov13Oct39Jun622May4319Apr29Mar12Jan12Oct117Sep131Aug233218Dec1452Oct21Jul28May25Apr2122Mar1453125Feb231413[TASK] Add the rootCA for internal curl calls to the HTTPS sitemastermaster[TASK] Implement fallback to ubuntu_base configuration[TASK] Add recipe code explanations and relevant variable name[TASK] Add webgrind,xhprof and mailhog hosts to ssl certificate[TASK] Update tika to version 1.18 (1.17 was removed from all remote servers)[FEATURE] Creation of SSL certificates for all(!) server names inside a single certificate[TASK] Update solr/tika extension[FEATURE] Support PHP 7.2 (not set as default)[BUGFIX] No hardcoded serial number!!![TASK] Cleanup[TASK] Cleanup[TASK] Add missing root certificate[FEATURE] Generate valid ssl certificates[BUGFIX] Fix wrong default character set in the site configuration[TASK] Added extension SiteConfiguration template config[TASK] Adjustments for the new solr cookbook main release[TASK] Remove plugin infos and add default tika version[TASK] Update for the new solr major version, update the solr updateConnections call[TASK] TYPO3 8 database configuration[TASK] Set all privileges to prevent problems[TASK] Activate mysql compat mode for 5.6[BUGFIX] Fix PHP installation for 7.0[BUGFIX] Support PHP 7.0 installations on xenial[TASK] Remove DB dump file only if downloaded[FEATURE] Support configurable PHP version[FEATURE] Provide PHP 7.1 by default[BUGFIX] Also install php-imagick for PHP 7[BUGFIX] Remove the dump after importing itRevert "[BUGFIX] Don't use the local dump if a remote one was requested"[BUGFIX] Don't use the local dump if a remote one was requested[FEATURE] Add tika server configuration to the solr configuration[TASK] Simplify the HTTP2 condition[BUGFIX] Fix the condition in a valid way ...[BUGFIX] Fix wrong HTTP/2 disable condition[FEATURE] Add option to enable/disable HTTP2[FEATURE] Add a web_directory option for e.g. composer setups[BUGFIX] Fix ssh_known_hosts condition[BUGFIX] Fix syntax error.. thanks foodcritic[BUGFIX] Use different vhost configurations for xenial and trusty[BUGFIX] Only activate HTTP2 on Xenial