This is alpha software! It is used in production, but it is not guaranteed to work with your setup!*
This chef cookbook is based on the shell-scripts which are distributed with the EXT:solr (thank you Ingo Renner!). The cookbook offers two LWRPs which should be enough to setup a solr app with unlimited solr cores.
- Debian, Ubuntu
The following Opscode cookbooks are dependencies:
- tomcat
If you want to user this cookbook with EXT:solr >= 3.0 you have to install java 7 on your system. When using the java-cookbook, you need to override this attribute:
node[:java][:jdk_version] = "7"
- Path to the directory in which the apps should be located
The following LWRPs are included:
is used to create a new webapp with the given configuration
For instances requiring Apache Solr < 4
typo3_solr_app "MySolrAppName" do
solr '3.5.0'
extension '2.2'
plugin '1.2.0'
languages %w{ german english french italian generic hungarian }
For instances requiring Apache Solr > 4
typo3_solr_app "MySolrAppName" do
solr '4.7.1'
extension '3.0'
plugin_access '2.0'
plugin_utils '1.1'
plugin_lang '3.1'
languages %w{ german english french italian generic hungarian }
is used to attach cores to a already created webapp
typo3_solr_core "de-TestWeb-123-de_DE" do
language 'german'
app 'MySolrAppName'
action :add
Important information
The TYPO3 solr project has moved the sources to github. So we also need to fetch the information from github. We only handle this if you use the extension in version 3.1 or higher.
For the older versions we just use the files from
License and Author
Author: Philipp Bergsmann (
Copyright: 2014 opendo GmbH (
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.