diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 4c9a3a24a5f3775dffb863eb7dd538843f172127..cdb1ff4facfb04064918e4f36e292807bf890418 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -26,20 +26,6 @@ plugin.tx_sgyoutube {
-### JavaScript integration
-Note: You can still use the old implementation of the lightbox without the new lightbox by
-importing ```youtubeLightbox``` instead of ```sgYoutubeLightbox```.
-Install the **project_theme_lightbox** extension and integrate it to your main theme. Import the
-file ```sgYoutubeLight.js``` to your JavaScript and initilize it.
-import SgVideoLightbox from 'sgYoutubeLightbox';
-new SgVideoLightbox();
 ### Registration for more than the free 10.000 quotas per day
 It's not 1 quota per 1 API call. Each API has its own costs, which can be seen in the link below.
@@ -71,7 +57,28 @@ If the `?disableYoutubeCache=1` parameter is added to the URL, this cache will b
 You can use a different API key for specific sites. You can implement a TypoScript page uid check and just change the
 key from the "TypoScript integration" topic.
-### Compiling CSS/JS assets
+### Making changes in the JavaScript/CSS
+We are shippning the extension with source files and already minified assets. By default
+we the minified assets are loaded in the Layout, so that the extension works out of the box just with plug and play.
+Should you want to change this behavior you can do to the following:
+- Override the layout file in TypoScript
+``` view {
+  layoutRootPath = EXT:project_theme/Resources/Private/Layouts/SgYouTube/
+  }
+- Remove the CSS or JavaScript loading code from the layout
+<div class="tx-sg-youtube">
+	<f:asset.script identifier="sgVideoJs" src="EXT:sg_youtube/Resources/Public/JavaScript/Dist/main.bundled.min.js" />
+	<f:render section="main"/>
+- Import the CSS or JavaScript source files in your respective asset pipeline
+### Compiling CSS/JS assets with SGC
 - Install the sgalinski/sgc-core library via composer
 - Add the sg-youtube extension paths in the .sgc-config.json