# Ext: sg_vimeo <img alt="" src="https://www.sgalinski.de/typo3conf/ext/project_theme/Resources/Public/Images/logo.svg" /> License: [GNU GPL, Version 2](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html) Repository: https://gitlab.sgalinski.de/typo3/sg_vimeo Please report bugs here: https://gitlab.sgalinski.de/typo3/sg_vimeo TYPO3 version: >9.5 ## Installation / Integration First install the extension and activate it in the Extension Manager. ## Vimeo app * Create a new vimeo app: https://developer.vimeo.com/apps/new * Answer the question `Will people besides you be able to access your app?` with: `No. The only Vimeo accounts that will have access to the app are my own.` * Go to your vimeo app on https://developer.vimeo.com/apps and copy your client identifier & client secret. ### TypoScript integration * Include the TypoScript in Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript and constants.typoscript in your theme. * Add your Vimeo client identifier & client secret: ```typoscript plugin.tx_sgvimeo { settings { # cat=plugin.tx_sgvimeo/file; type=string; label=Vimeo client identifier clientId = <your-client-id> # cat=plugin.tx_sgvimeo/file; type=string; label=Vimeo client secret clientSecret = <your-client-secret> } } ``` ### Working with Rate Limits As with almost every API, there is a usage limit, which depends on the vimeo user membership of the user, that makes the API requests (the owner of the vimeo app). sg_vimeo uses the following endpoints: * Video https://api.vimeo.com/videos/{video_id} * Channel Videos https://api.vimeo.com/channels/{channel_id}/videos sg_vimeo uses [field filtering](https://developer.vimeo.com/guidelines/rate-limiting#avoid-rate-limiting) to requests only the fields that are needed. #### Caching behaviour Because of the quota costs we implemented a caching for the calls for each day. The response from the APIs will be saved and used for 24 hours. Normally the site cache would do it, but it could be, that the cache will be cleared multiple times in a row, or that the plugin is on an uncached page. The TYPO3 registry is used as a cache. The cleanup is handled on the fly. If the `?disableVimeoCache=1` parameter is added to the URL, this cache will be ignored as well.