# Upgrade from ```7.x.x``` to ```8.x.x``` ## Migrate the Authors A new author table was introduced, so you need to execute the following migration wizard. ```Migrate all news authors to the new author table for each site root.``` ## Add the routing for the new author news plugin Add this routeEnhancer configuration to your config.yaml. ``` routeEnhancers: NewsByAuthor: type: Extbase extension: SgNews plugin: NewsByAuthor routes: - routePath: '/{authorTitle}' _controller: 'NewsByAuthor::list' _arguments: { 'authorTitle': authorId } defaultController: 'NewsByAuthor::list' aspects: authorTitle: type: PersistedAliasMapper tableName: tx_sgnews_domain_model_author routeFieldName: path_segment ``` # Upgrade from ```6.x.x``` to ```7.x.x``` In Version 7, we rewrote all included JavaScript to ES6 modules. This means that they won't be included in your site automatically when you install the extension. ## Importing the sgnews bundle in your main project sg_news offers a front-package that imports all sub modules and initilaizes them correctly. You can import this in your bundle like that: ```js import SgNews from 'sgnews'; new SgNews(); ``` ### Mapping ```sgnews``` to the extension JavaScript In order for your module bundler to find the ```sgnews``` package, you need to add the path to your configuration. If you are using the SGC, you can add the following to your ```.sgc-config.json``` ```js { "js": { "libraryPaths": [ ... "./web/typo3conf/ext/sg_news/Resources/Public/JavaScript/" ] } } ``` ## Version 9 Breaking Changes - Dropped TYPO3 8 support