diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 076c0434ebfdffd348d9b277c80b8d88b6a40870..1de09acc8eda4f9f194835c482ca64b1cca7a96c 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -15,40 +15,6 @@ TYPO3 version: >7.6
 Integrates a powerful News-System. News and Categories can be created like normal TYPO3 pages. Newspages have several
 additional meta information.
-### Plugins
-This extension comes with several plugins to display and categorize news.
-###### News Overview
-Provides an overview over all news. Additionally there is a tab navigation for groups of news.
-Plugin options:
-- **Group By**:	By which aspect should your news be grouped in the tab navigation (none, category, tags)
-- **News Limit**: 	The maximum amount news to be displayed. Further news can be displayed after the user clicks a button.
-- **Only news within this page section**:	Should only news from subpages be shown, or from all sites in this TYPO3 instance ?
-###### List News by Category/Tag
-Lists all news from subpages for the given Categories / Tags.
-Plugin options:
-- **News Limit per Page**: The maximum amount of news to be shown.
-- **Categories**: Here you can select which categories you want to be included (If none are selected, all are shown).
-- **Tags**: Here you can select which tags the news entries need to have to be shown here (If none are selected, all are shown).
-###### News Single View
-Provides a new page type **News**, that renders the content as a news element in the frontend.
-###### News Feed
-###### PageBrowser
-###### addLike
-Adds an AJAX like button to each single news entry.
 ## Integration
@@ -139,3 +105,113 @@ After that you must create sites of type **Category** sites below the blog page
 On the next lower page level of each **Category** you can create pages of type **News**. 
 On these pages you can use all your usual content elements to visualize your news entries belonging to the specific category. 
+### Plugins
+General settings for the plugins can be found in the **Frontend/setup.txt** and **Frontend/constants.txt** TypoScript file:
+	# setup.txt
+	settings {
+		# Name of your site - required for the news.xml
+		siteName =
+		# Your rootpage id - required for the news.xml to retrieve the base path
+		rootpageId = 1
+		# News limit (can be usually set also inside the flexforms)
+		newsLimitPerPage = {$plugin.tx_sgnews.settings.newsLimitPerPage}
+		# Uid of the page containing sys_category records used as tags
+		tagPid = {$plugin.tx_sgnews.settings.tagPid}
+		# How to sort the news in general (date, positionInTree)
+		sortBy = date
+	}
+	#constants.txt
+	settings {
+		newsLimitPerPage = 12
+		tagPid =
+	}
+This extension comes with several plugins to display and categorize news:
+###### News Overview
+Provides an overview over all news. Additionally there is a tab navigation for groups of news.
+Plugin options:
+- **Group By**:	By which aspect should your news be grouped in the tab navigation (none, category, tags)
+- **News Limit**: 	The maximum amount news to be displayed. Further news can be displayed after the user clicks a button.
+- **Only news within this page section**:	Should only news from subpages be shown, or from all sites in this TYPO3 instance ?
+###### List News by Category/Tag
+Lists all news from subpages for the given Categories / Tags.
+Plugin options:
+- **News Limit per Page**: The maximum amount of news to be shown.
+- **Categories**: Here you can select which categories you want to be included (If none are selected, all are shown).
+- **Tags**: Here you can select which tags the news entries need to have to be shown here (If none are selected, all are shown).
+###### News Single View
+Provides a new page type **News** in the **Page Module**, that renders the content as a news element in the frontend.
+###### News Feed
+Provides a RSS Feed **news.xml** as a typenum. The typenum is defined in the **Frontend/setup.txt** and needs to be included in your TypoScript template:
+	# news feed as own page type
+	newsFeed = PAGE
+	newsFeed {
+		typeNum = 78906523
+		10 = USER
+		10 {
+			userFunc = TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Core\Bootstrap->run
+			extensionName = SgNews
+			pluginName = NewsFeed
+			vendorName = SGalinski
+			controller = NewsFeed
+			action = index
+			view < plugin.tx_sgnews.view
+			persistence < plugin.tx_sgnews.persistence
+			features < plugin.tx_sgnews.features
+			legacy < plugin.tx_sgnews.legacy
+			settings {
+				# if not provided all categories are shown
+				showCategories =
+			}
+		}
+		config {
+			disableAllHeaderCode = 1
+			additionalHeaders = Content-type:text/xml
+			no_cache = 1
+			xhtml_cleaning = 0
+		}
+	}
+###### PageBrowser
+Automatically adds a pagination to the **News Overview** and **List News** plugins. 
+You find the settings in the **Fontend/constants.txt** configuration file:
+	pagebrowser.settings {
+			# Number of page links to show before the current page
+			pagesBefore = 1
+			# Number of page links to show before the current page
+			pagesAfter = 1
+			# Enables section for "more" pages. This section is shown after links to next pages, normally like three dots (1 2 3 ...). Notice that you can also hide it by emptying corresponding template section.
+			enableMorePages = 1
+			# Enables section for "less" pages. This section is shown after links to next pages, normally like three dots (... 1 2 3) Notice that you can also hide it by emptying corresponding template section.
+			enableLessPages = 1
+		}
+###### addLike
+Automatically adds an AJAX like button to each single news entry.