diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 0c60d2f8b7eb2448dd3f56bd1b55f4e5b9acb0c4..46c32ff5eedb2cd85c426995c5f154bf19a027f6 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,31 +1,56 @@
-## Installation
+## Integration
-The following typoscript or something equivalent must be added to your site for the pages below the overview page.
+sg_news will not be an install & forget extension as we needs some rendering information for the frontend. This
+means you need to provide some information how the extension needs to integrated into your template. As the
+extension itself provides two new doktypes, we can simply add a switch case to our typoscript fluid template
+to provide different rendering paths. Please look at the example below:
-# used in the single view template to render the news content
-lib.mainContent < styles.content.col0
+lib.pageTemplate.default = FLUIDTEMPLATE
+lib.pageTemplate.default {
+	file = EXT:project_theme/Resources/Private/Templates/Default.html
-lib.pageTemplate {
 	variables {
+		INTRO {
+			key.field = doktype
+			# show nothing for the intro view as sg_news provides it's own default intro section
+			116 = TEXT
+			116.value =
+			# just show the content
+			default < styles.content.col0
+		}
-			# load the plugin instead of any page template content on news pages
-			10 = COA
-			10 {
-				10 < tt_content.list.20.sgnews_singleview
-				if.value.field = doktype
-				if.equals = 116
-			}
-			# load the overview plugin on category pages
-			20 = COA
-			20 {
-				10 < tt_content.list.20.sgnews_overview
-				if.value.field = doktype
-				if.equals = 117
-			}
+			key.field = doktype
+			# show the single view of a news article if the page type matches
+			116 < tt_content.list.20.sgnews_singleview
+			# show the category view of the news if the page type matches
+			117 < tt_content.list.20.sgnews_listbycategory
+			# just show the content
+			default < styles.content.col1
\ No newline at end of file
+In this example we will load by default the first column for the intro section and the second column in the backend
+for the content below that. The news category (doktype 117) will render by default not the content on the page alone,
+but also the default category listing. The related extension plugin knows itself how to render on such a page. The
+news page itself also get's some special rendering information here. In our case we don't want the intro section
+rendered and also not the default content as the extension itself handles the special content rendering for it's
+special case by referencing the singleview extension plugin of sg_news.
+The single news plugin also needs some additional knowledge from there it can get the base content. Please provide
+in your typoscript the information of lib.mainContent. By default it will resolve to the following code if not
+provided by you:
+lib.mainContent < styles.content.col1