From 90f557c6c404fdb6f0af87de061ba295eb3166a9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Torsten Oppermann <>
Date: Wed, 17 May 2017 22:24:14 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] [TASK] Documentation wip

--- | 35 +++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 3aeb103..ee242c6 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -12,20 +12,23 @@ TYPO3 version: >7.6
 ## About
-Integrates a powerful News-System. News and Categories can be created as normal TYPO3 pages. Newspages have several
+Integrates a powerful News-System. News and Categories can be created like normal TYPO3 pages. Newspages have several
 additional meta information.
 ## Integration
-sg_news will not be an install & forget extension as we needs some rendering information for the frontend. This
-means you need to provide some information how the extension needs to integrated into your template. As the
-extension itself provides two new doktypes, we can simply add a switch case to our typoscript fluid template
-to provide different rendering paths. Please look at the example below:
+Before using sg_news you need to supply your frontend some information on how the extension needs to be integrated into your template. 
+As the extension itself provides two new [doktypes](, you can simply add a switch case to your Fluid template to provide different rendering paths. 
+### Example
 lib.pageTemplate.default >
 lib.pageTemplate.default = FLUIDTEMPLATE
 lib.pageTemplate.default {
+	# your default page template
 	file = EXT:project_theme/Resources/Private/Templates/Default.html
 	variables {
@@ -68,20 +71,20 @@ lib.pageTemplate.default {
-In this example we will load by default the first column for the intro section and the second column in the backend
-for the content below that. The news category (doktype 117) will render by default not the content on the page alone,
-but also the default category listing. The related extension plugin knows itself how to render on such a page. The
-news page itself also get's some special rendering information here. In our case we don't want the intro section
-rendered and also not the default content as the extension itself handles the special content rendering for it's
-special case by referencing the singleview extension plugin of sg_news.
+In this example we will load the first column for the intro section by default 
+and the second column in the backend for the content below that. 
+The news category (doktype 117) will render by default not the content on the page alone, but also the default category listing. 
-The single news plugin also needs some additional knowledge from there it can get the base content. Please provide
-in your typoscript the information of lib.mainContent. By default it will resolve to the following code if not
-provided by you:
+With our example we don't want the intro section (116) and the default content to be rendered, because the extension handles those parts.
+The single news plugin also needs some additional information so it can get the base content. 
+By default it will resolve to the following code if not provided by you:
 lib.mainContent < styles.content.col1
 ### Tags
 In addition to categories, multiple tags can be created and specified for each news page.
@@ -90,3 +93,7 @@ In order to differentiate each block's tags from the others, the PageTS value of
 can be set for each of the blocks containing the pid value for the selectable tags.
 To make sure that only the correct tags are displayed in the FE, the **plugin.tx_sgnews.settings.tagPid**
 constant must be set to the same value.
+## Creating a news category 
+## Creating news entries 