diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 636dd11afb3ec46901f84cd03d890a6117576cce..1a5459e51b393348d221ca7c50a01d52579102ef 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -326,3 +326,9 @@ This extension comes with the command controller task **** to migirate tx_news e
 - **languageMapAsJson** : a json string, mapping language ids (old => new). this is needed if the sys_language_uids have changed
 - **categoryMapAsJson** : a json string, mapping sys_category ids (old => new).
 - **pId** : only news from that pid will be migrated
+### Migrating File References
+To use your old file references, you need to import your sys_file and sys_file_reference_table as sys_file_news_migration and sys_file_reference
+into your database. The Filepaths must not change!