diff --git a/Classes/Controller/BackendController.php b/Classes/Controller/BackendController.php
index a9afd3a4aa89c69fdc4eab2911bd13d3f039080a..ba3e6955fa39c1a74ac77777e0d1a4f028672469 100644
--- a/Classes/Controller/BackendController.php
+++ b/Classes/Controller/BackendController.php
@@ -26,12 +26,20 @@ namespace SGalinski\SgNews\Controller;
  *  This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
-use SGalinski\SgNews\Service\Backend\Utility;
+use In2code\Powermail\Utility\LocalizationUtility;
+use SGalinski\SgNews\Service\BackendNewsUtility;
+use SGalinski\SgNews\Service\LicensingService;
+use TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Clipboard\Clipboard;
+use TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Template\Components\ButtonBar;
 use TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Template\Components\DocHeaderComponent;
 use TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility;
 use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Authentication\BackendUserAuthentication;
+use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Imaging\Icon;
+use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Imaging\IconFactory;
 use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility;
+use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\VersionNumberUtility;
 use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\Controller\ActionController;
+use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\View\ViewInterface;
  * News Controller
@@ -39,55 +47,252 @@ use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\Controller\ActionController;
 class BackendController extends ActionController {
-	 * DocHeaderComponent
+	 * The uid of the current page
-	 * @var DocHeaderComponent
+	 * @var int
-	protected $docHeaderComponent;
+	private $pageUid = 0;
-	 * @var \SGalinski\SgNews\Domain\Repository\NewsRepository
-	 * @inject
+	 * The info fields of the current page
+	 *
+	 * @var array
-	private $newsRepository;
+	private $pageInfo = [];
-	 * @var \SGalinski\SgNews\Domain\Repository\CategoryRepository
-	 * @inject
+	 * The uid of the current root page
+	 *
+	 * @var int
-	private $categoryRepository;
+	private $rootPageUid = 0;
-	 * @var \SGalinski\SgNews\Domain\Repository\TagRepository
-	 * @inject
+	 * Command array on the form [tablename][uid][command] = value.
+	 * This array may get additional data set internally based on clipboard commands send in CB var!
+	 *
+	 * @var array
-	private $tagRepository;
+	private $command;
-	 * @param array $filters
+	 * Clipboard command array. May trigger changes in "cmd"
+	 *
+	 * @var array
+	 */
+	private $clipboardCommandArray;
+	/**
+	 * Currently selected language
+	 *
+	 * @var int
+	 */
+	public $language;
+	/**
+	 * DocHeaderComponent
+	 *
+	 * @var DocHeaderComponent
+	 */
+	private $docHeaderComponent;
+	/**
+	 * Initialize action for all actions
+	 *
 	 * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+	 */
+	public function initializeAction() {
+		$this->command = GeneralUtility::_GP('cmd');
+		$this->clipboardCommandArray = GeneralUtility::_GP('CB');
+		$this->initClipboard();
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Initializes the view before invoking an action method.
+	 *
+	 * Override this method to solve assign variables common for all actions
+	 * or prepare the view in another way before the action is called.
+	 *
+	 * @param ViewInterface $view The view to be initialized
+	 *
+	 * @return void
 	 * @throws \UnexpectedValueException
-	 * @throws \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Exception\InvalidQueryException
+	 * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+	 * @api
-	public function indexAction(array $filters = []) {
+	protected function initializeView(ViewInterface $view) {
 		// create doc header component
-		$pageUid = (int) GeneralUtility::_GP('id');
+		$this->pageUid = (int) GeneralUtility::_GP('id');
 		/** @var BackendUserAuthentication $backendUser */
 		$backendUser = $GLOBALS['BE_USER'];
-		$pageInfo = BackendUtility::readPageAccess($pageUid, $backendUser->getPagePermsClause(1));
-		$this->docHeaderComponent = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(DocHeaderComponent::class);
-		$this->docHeaderComponent->setMetaInformation($pageInfo);
-		Utility::makeButtons($this->docHeaderComponent, $this->request);
-		// retrieve next site root id
-		$siteRootId = Utility::getSiteRoot((int) GeneralUtility::_GP('id'));
-		$categories = Utility::getCategoriesForSiteRoot($siteRootId);
-		$news = Utility::getAllNewsByCategories($categories, $filters);
-		$this->view->assign('docHeader', $this->docHeaderComponent->docHeaderContent());
-		$this->view->assign('pageUid', $pageUid);
-		$this->view->assign('categories', $categories);
-		$this->view->assign('news', $news);
-		$this->view->assign('filters', $filters);
+		$this->pageInfo = BackendUtility::readPageAccess($this->pageUid, $backendUser->getPagePermsClause(1));
+		if ($this->pageInfo) {
+			$this->docHeaderComponent = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(DocHeaderComponent::class);
+			if ($this->pageUid) {
+				$this->rootPageUid = BackendNewsUtility::getRootUidByPageUid($this->pageUid);
+			}
+			/** @var BackendUserAuthentication $backendUser */
+			$backendUser = $GLOBALS['BE_USER'];
+			$menuSettings = GeneralUtility::_GP('SET') ?: [];
+			foreach ($menuSettings as $key => $menuSetting) {
+				$backendUser->pushModuleData('tools_beuser/index.php/web_SgNewsNews_' . $key, $menuSetting);
+			}
+			$this->language = $backendUser->getModuleData(
+				'tools_beuser/index.php/web_SgNewsNews_language', 'ses'
+			) ?: 0;
+			$this->docHeaderComponent->setMetaInformation($this->pageInfo);
+			$this->makeButtons();
+			$this->makeLanguageMenu();
+			$this->view->assign('pageUid', $this->pageUid);
+			$this->view->assign('rootPageUid', $this->rootPageUid);
+			$this->view->assign('docHeader', $this->docHeaderComponent->docHeaderContent());
+			$this->view->assign('typo3Version', VersionNumberUtility::convertVersionNumberToInteger(TYPO3_version));
+			if (!LicensingService::checkKey()) {
+				$this->view->assign('showLicenseBanner', TRUE);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * @param array $filters
+	 * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+	 * @throws \UnexpectedValueException
+	 * @throws \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Exception\InvalidQueryException
+	 * @throws \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\Exception
+	 * @throws \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\Exception\InvalidNumberOfConstraintsException
+	 * @throws \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\Exception\UnexpectedTypeException
+	 */
+	public function indexAction(array $filters = NULL) {
+		$showNewsList = FALSE;
+		if (
+			($this->pageUid && $this->pageUid === $this->rootPageUid) ||
+			(int) $this->pageInfo['doktype'] === BackendNewsUtility::CATEGORY_DOKTYPE
+		) {
+			/** @var BackendUserAuthentication $backendUser */
+			$backendUser = $GLOBALS['BE_USER'];
+			if ($filters === NULL) {
+				$filters = $backendUser->getModuleData('tools_beuser/index.php/web_SgNewsNews_filters', 'ses') ?: [];
+			} else {
+				$backendUser->pushModuleData('tools_beuser/index.php/web_SgNewsNews_filters', $filters);
+			}
+			if ((int) $this->pageInfo['doktype'] !== BackendNewsUtility::CATEGORY_DOKTYPE) {
+				$categories = BackendNewsUtility::getCategoriesForSiteRoot($this->rootPageUid);
+				$this->view->assign('categories', $categories);
+				$this->view->assign('showCategoryFilter', TRUE);
+			} else {
+				$filters['categories'] = [$this->pageUid];
+			}
+			$tags = BackendNewsUtility::getTagsForPage($this->pageUid, $this->language);
+			$news = BackendNewsUtility::getNewsByFilters($this->rootPageUid, $filters, $this->language);
+			$this->view->assign('tags', $tags);
+			$this->view->assign('news', $news);
+			$this->view->assign('filters', $filters);
+			$showNewsList = TRUE;
+		} else {
+			$alternativePageOptions = BackendNewsUtility::getAlternativePageOptions();
+			$this->view->assign('alternativePageOptions', $alternativePageOptions);
+		}
+		$this->view->assign('showNewsList', $showNewsList);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * create buttons for the backend module header
+	 *
+	 * @return void
+	 * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+	 * @throws \UnexpectedValueException
+	 */
+	private function makeButtons() {
+		/** @var ButtonBar $buttonBar */
+		$buttonBar = $this->docHeaderComponent->getButtonBar();
+		/** @var IconFactory $iconFactory */
+		$iconFactory = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(IconFactory::class);
+		// Refresh
+		$refreshButton = $buttonBar->makeLinkButton()
+			->setHref(GeneralUtility::getIndpEnv('REQUEST_URI'))
+			->setTitle(LocalizationUtility::translate('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:labels.reload', ''))
+			->setIcon($iconFactory->getIcon('actions-refresh', Icon::SIZE_SMALL));
+		$buttonBar->addButton($refreshButton, ButtonBar::BUTTON_POSITION_RIGHT);
+		// shortcut button
+		$shortcutButton = $buttonBar->makeShortcutButton()
+			->setModuleName($this->request->getPluginName())
+			->setGetVariables(
+				[
+					'id',
+					'M'
+				]
+			)
+			->setSetVariables([]);
+		$buttonBar->addButton($shortcutButton, ButtonBar::BUTTON_POSITION_RIGHT);
+		$this->docHeaderComponent->getButtonBar();
+	}
+	/**
+	 * create buttons for the backend module header
+	 *
+	 * @return void
+	 * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+	 */
+	private function makeLanguageMenu() {
+		if (!LicensingService::checkKey()) {
+			return;
+		}
+		$languageMenu = $this->docHeaderComponent->getMenuRegistry()->makeMenu();
+		$languageMenu->setIdentifier('languageMenu');
+		$languages = BackendNewsUtility::getAvailableLanguages($this->pageUid);
+		foreach ($languages as $key => $language) {
+			$menuItem = $languageMenu
+				->makeMenuItem()
+				->setTitle($language['title'])
+				->setHref(
+					BackendUtility::getModuleUrl('web_SgNewsNews') . '&id=' . $this->pageUid . '&SET[language]=' . $key
+				);
+			if ((int) $this->language === $key) {
+				$menuItem->setActive(TRUE);
+			}
+			$languageMenu->addMenuItem($menuItem);
+		}
+		$this->docHeaderComponent->getMenuRegistry()->addMenu($languageMenu);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Clipboard pasting and deleting.
+	 *
+	 * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+	 */
+	public function initClipboard() {
+		if (is_array($this->clipboardCommandArray)) {
+			$clipObj = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(Clipboard::class);
+			$clipObj->initializeClipboard();
+			if ($this->clipboardCommandArray['paste']) {
+				$clipObj->setCurrentPad($this->clipboardCommandArray['pad']);
+				$this->command = $clipObj->makePasteCmdArray(
+					$this->clipboardCommandArray['paste'],
+					$this->command,
+					$this->clipboardCommandArray['update'] ?? NULL
+				);
+			}
+			if ($this->clipboardCommandArray['delete']) {
+				$clipObj->setCurrentPad($this->clipboardCommandArray['pad']);
+				$this->command = $clipObj->makeDeleteCmdArray($this->command);
+			}
+			if ($this->clipboardCommandArray['el']) {
+				$this->clipboardCommandArray['setP'] = 'normal';
+				$clipObj->setCmd($this->clipboardCommandArray);
+				$clipObj->cleanCurrent();
+				$clipObj->endClipboard();
+			}
+		}
diff --git a/Classes/Hooks/EditDocumentController.php b/Classes/Hooks/EditDocumentController.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..879bdeefd40130bee329774d5436d01734d9c3bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Classes/Hooks/EditDocumentController.php
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+namespace SGalinski\SgNews\Hooks;
+ *  Copyright notice
+ *
+ *  (c) sgalinski Internet Services (https://www.sgalinski.de)
+ *  All rights reserved
+ *
+ *  This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is
+ *  free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  The GNU General Public License can be found at
+ *  http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
+ *
+ *  This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
+ ***************************************************************/
+use SGalinski\SgNews\Service\BackendNewsUtility;
+use TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility;
+ * Backend edid form hook
+ */
+class EditDocumentController {
+	/**
+	 * Sets the default value for the pages author field
+	 * to the name of the logged-in user
+	 *
+	 * @param \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Controller\EditDocumentController $controller Default configuration
+	 * @return void
+	 */
+	public function preInitAfter($controller) {
+		if (isset($controller->editconf['pages']) && $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->user['realName'] !== '') {
+			$doktype = 0;
+			foreach ($controller->editconf['pages'] as $pageUid => $command) {
+				if ($command === 'edit') {
+					$pageRow = BackendUtility::getRecord('pages', (int) $pageUid);
+					if ($pageRow && isset($pageRow['doktype'])) {
+						$doktype = (int) $pageRow['doktype'];
+					}
+				} elseif ($command === 'new' && isset($controller->overrideVals['pages']['doktype'])) {
+					$doktype = (int) $controller->overrideVals['pages']['doktype'];
+				}
+				break;
+			}
+			if ($doktype === BackendNewsUtility::NEWS_DOKTYPE) {
+				$GLOBALS['BE_USER']->userTS['TCAdefaults.']['pages.']['author'] = $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->user['realName'];
+			}
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/Classes/Service/Backend/Utility.php b/Classes/Service/Backend/Utility.php
deleted file mode 100644
index a14fef70a1561f0260a2373381716b7c19be513c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Classes/Service/Backend/Utility.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-namespace SGalinski\SgNews\Service\Backend;
- *  Copyright notice
- *
- *  (c) sgalinski Internet Services (https://www.sgalinski.de)
- *
- *  All rights reserved
- *
- *  This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is
- *  free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
- *  (at your option) any later version.
- *
- *  The GNU General Public License can be found at
- *  http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
- *
- *  This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- *  GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- *  This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
- ***************************************************************/
-use SGalinski\SgNews\Domain\Repository\NewsRepository;
-use TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Template\Components\ButtonBar;
-use TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Template\Components\DocHeaderComponent;
-use TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility;
-use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\DatabaseConnection;
-use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\QueryGenerator;
-use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Imaging\Icon;
-use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Imaging\IconFactory;
-use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility;
-use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\Request;
-use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Object\ObjectManager;
-use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Utility\LocalizationUtility;
- * Class Utility
- */
-class Utility {
-	const CATEGORY_DOKTYPE = 117;
-	const NEWS_DOKTYPE = 117;
-	/**
-	 * create buttons for the backend module header
-	 *
-	 * @param $docHeaderComponent DocHeaderComponent
-	 * @param $request Request
-	 * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
-	 * @throws \UnexpectedValueException
-	 */
-	public static function makeButtons(&$docHeaderComponent, &$request) {
-		/** @var ButtonBar $buttonBar */
-		$buttonBar = $docHeaderComponent->getButtonBar();
-		/** @var IconFactory $iconFactory */
-		$iconFactory = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(IconFactory::class);
-		// Refresh
-		$refreshButton = $buttonBar->makeLinkButton()
-			->setHref(GeneralUtility::getIndpEnv('REQUEST_URI'))
-			->setTitle(LocalizationUtility::translate('LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:labels.reload', ''))
-			->setIcon($iconFactory->getIcon('actions-refresh', Icon::SIZE_SMALL));
-		$buttonBar->addButton($refreshButton, ButtonBar::BUTTON_POSITION_RIGHT);
-		// shortcut button
-		$shortcutButton = $buttonBar->makeShortcutButton()
-			->setModuleName($request->getPluginName())
-			->setGetVariables(
-				[
-					'id',
-					'M'
-				]
-			)
-			->setSetVariables([]);
-		$buttonBar->addButton($shortcutButton, ButtonBar::BUTTON_POSITION_RIGHT);
-		$docHeaderComponent->getButtonBar();
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Retrieves the next site root in the page hierarchy from the current page
-	 *
-	 * @param int $currentPid
-	 * @return int
-	 */
-	public static function getSiteRoot($currentPid) {
-		$rootLine = BackendUtility::BEgetRootLine((int) $currentPid);
-		$siteRoot = ['uid' => 0];
-		foreach ($rootLine as $page) {
-			if ($page['is_siteroot'] === '1') {
-				$siteRoot = $page;
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-		return $siteRoot['uid'];
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Get an array of all category uids => >titles below the given site root id
-	 *
-	 * @param $siteRootPid
-	 * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
-	 * @return array
-	 */
-	public static function getCategoriesForSiteRoot($siteRootPid) {
-		// get all pageids below the given siteroot
-		$queryGenerator = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(QueryGenerator::class);
-		$childPids = $queryGenerator->getTreeList($siteRootPid, PHP_INT_MAX, 0, 1);
-		// if doktype = 117 (category) then get the category name (page title)
-		/** @var DatabaseConnection $databaseConnection */
-		$databaseConnection = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB'];
-		$where = 'doktype = ' . self::CATEGORY_DOKTYPE . ' AND uid in (' . $childPids . ')';
-		$result = $databaseConnection->exec_SELECTquery('uid, title', 'pages', $where)->fetch_all();
-		$categories = [];
-		/** @var array $result */
-		foreach ($result as $item) {
-			$categories[$item[0]] = $item[1];
-		}
-		return $categories;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Get all news for the given categories (all if filter is empty)
-	 *
-	 * @param array $categories
-	 * @param array $filters
-	 * @return array
-	 * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
-	 * @throws \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Exception\InvalidQueryException
-	 */
-	public static function getAllNewsByCategories(array $categories = [], array $filters = []) {
-		$objectManager = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ObjectManager::class);
-		/** @var NewsRepository $newsRepository */
-		$newsRepository = $objectManager->get(NewsRepository::class);
-		// filter by category if set
-		if (!empty($filters['filters']['categories'])) {
-			foreach ($categories as $key => $value) {
-				if (is_array($filters['filters']['categories'])) {
-					$unset = TRUE;
-					foreach($filters['filters']['categories'] as $category) {
-						if ($key == (int) $category) {
-							$unset = FALSE;
-						}
-					}
-					if ($unset) {
-						unset($categories[$key]);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		$categoryIds = [];
-		foreach ($categories as $key => $value) {
-			$categoryIds[] = $key;
-		}
-		if (empty($categoryIds)) {
-			return [];
-		}
-		return $newsRepository->findAllSortedNewsByCategories($categoryIds, 0, 0, 'date', NULL, $raw = TRUE);
-	}
diff --git a/Classes/Service/BackendNewsUtility.php b/Classes/Service/BackendNewsUtility.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a2eade64dc67d3b5639c2d0ae6d435da030dcd6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Classes/Service/BackendNewsUtility.php
@@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
+namespace SGalinski\SgNews\Service;
+ *  Copyright notice
+ *
+ *  (c) sgalinski Internet Services (https://www.sgalinski.de)
+ *
+ *  All rights reserved
+ *
+ *  This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is
+ *  free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  The GNU General Public License can be found at
+ *  http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
+ *
+ *  This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
+ ***************************************************************/
+use SGalinski\SgNews\Domain\Repository\TagRepository;
+use TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility;
+use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Authentication\BackendUserAuthentication;
+use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\DatabaseConnection;
+use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\QueryGenerator;
+use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility;
+use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Object\ObjectManager;
+use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\QueryInterface;
+use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Utility\LocalizationUtility;
+ * Class Utility
+ */
+class BackendNewsUtility {
+	/**
+	 * @var int The category page doktype
+	 */
+	const CATEGORY_DOKTYPE = 117;
+	/**
+	 * @var int The news page doktype
+	 */
+	const NEWS_DOKTYPE = 116;
+	/**
+	 * Retrieves the next site root in the page hierarchy from the current page
+	 *
+	 * @param int $currentPid
+	 * @return int
+	 */
+	public static function getRootUidByPageUid($currentPid) {
+		$rootLine = BackendUtility::BEgetRootLine((int) $currentPid);
+		$siteRoot = ['uid' => 0];
+		foreach ($rootLine as $page) {
+			if ((int) $page['is_siteroot'] === 1) {
+				$siteRoot = $page;
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		return (int) $siteRoot['uid'];
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Get an array of alternative pages for the BE Module view
+	 *
+	 * @return array
+	 * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+	 */
+	public static function getAlternativePageOptions() {
+		$options = [];
+		/** @var array $rootOptionRows */
+		$rootOptionRows = BackendUtility::getRecordsByField('pages', 'is_siteroot', 1, '', '', 'sorting');
+		if ($rootOptionRows) {
+			foreach ($rootOptionRows as $row) {
+				$pageInfo = BackendUtility::readPageAccess($row['uid'], $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->getPagePermsClause(1));
+				if ($pageInfo) {
+					$options[] = self::getOptionPageInfo($pageInfo);
+				}
+				$categories = self::getCategoriesForSiteRoot((int) $row['uid']);
+				/** @var int $categoryUid */
+				foreach ($categories as $categoryUid => $categoryTitle) {
+					if ((int) $pageInfo['uid'] !== $categoryUid) {
+						$categoryPageInfo = BackendUtility::readPageAccess(
+							$categoryUid, $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->getPagePermsClause(1)
+						);
+						if ($categoryPageInfo) {
+							$options[] = self::getOptionPageInfo($categoryPageInfo);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return $options;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Get an array of alternative pages for the BE Module view
+	 *
+	 * @param array $pageInfo
+	 * @return array
+	 */
+	private static function getOptionPageInfo(array $pageInfo = []) {
+		if (isset($pageInfo['uid']) && (int) $pageInfo['uid']) {
+			$rootline = BackendUtility::BEgetRootLine($pageInfo['uid'], '', TRUE);
+			ksort($rootline);
+			$path = '/root';
+			foreach ($rootline as $page) {
+				$path .= '/p' . dechex($page['uid']);
+			}
+			$pageInfo['path'] = $path;
+			$pageInfo['_thePathFull'] = substr($pageInfo['_thePathFull'], 1);
+			$pageInfo['_thePathFull'] = substr($pageInfo['_thePathFull'], 0, -1);
+		}
+		return $pageInfo;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Get an array of all category uids => titles below the given site root id
+	 *
+	 * @param int $siteRootUid
+	 * @return array
+	 * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+	 */
+	public static function getCategoriesForSiteRoot($siteRootUid) {
+		$siteRootUid = (int) $siteRootUid;
+		// get all pageids below the given siteroot
+		$queryGenerator = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(QueryGenerator::class);
+		$childPids = $queryGenerator->getTreeList(
+			$siteRootUid, PHP_INT_MAX, 0, $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->getPagePermsClause(1)
+		);
+		// if doktype = 117 (category) then get the category name (page title)
+		/** @var DatabaseConnection $databaseConnection */
+		$databaseConnection = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB'];
+		$where = 'deleted = 0 AND doktype = ' . self::CATEGORY_DOKTYPE . ' AND uid in (' . $childPids . ')';
+		$result = $databaseConnection->exec_SELECTgetRows('uid, title', 'pages', $where);
+		$categories = [];
+		/** @var array $result */
+		foreach ($result as $page) {
+			$categoryPageInfo = BackendUtility::readPageAccess(
+				(int) $page['uid'], $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->getPagePermsClause(1)
+			);
+			if ($categoryPageInfo) {
+				$categories[(int) $page['uid']] = $page['title'];
+			}
+		}
+		return $categories;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Get an array of all tags uids => titles below the given site root id
+	 *
+	 * @param int $pageUid
+	 * @param int $languageUid
+	 * @return array
+	 * @throws \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Exception\InvalidQueryException
+	 * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+	 */
+	public static function getTagsForPage($pageUid, $languageUid = 0) {
+		$temporaryTSFEInstance = FALSE;
+		if (!isset($GLOBALS['TSFE'])) {
+			$temporaryTSFEInstance = TRUE;
+			$GLOBALS['TSFE'] = new \stdClass();
+			$GLOBALS['TSFE']->gr_list = '';
+		}
+		$pageUid = (int) $pageUid;
+		$languageUid = (int) $languageUid;
+		$tags = [];
+		$objectManager = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ObjectManager::class);
+		$tagRepository = $objectManager->get(TagRepository::class);
+		$query = $tagRepository->createQuery();
+		$querySettings = $query->getQuerySettings();
+		$querySettings->setLanguageUid($languageUid);
+		$querySettings->setLanguageOverlayMode(TRUE);
+		$querySettings->setLanguageMode('content_fallback');
+		$query->setQuerySettings($querySettings);
+		if ($pageUid) {
+			$rootline = BackendUtility::BEgetRootLine($pageUid, '', TRUE);
+			$pageTS = BackendUtility::getPagesTSconfig($pageUid, $rootline);
+			$tagsPid = 0;
+			if (isset($pageTS['TCEFORM.']['pages.']['tx_sgnews_tags.']['PAGE_TSCONFIG_ID'])) {
+				$tagsPid = (int) $pageTS['TCEFORM.']['pages.']['tx_sgnews_tags.']['PAGE_TSCONFIG_ID'];
+			}
+			if ($tagsPid) {
+				$query->matching($query->equals('pid', $tagsPid));
+			}
+		}
+		$query->setOrderings(['title' => QueryInterface::ORDER_ASCENDING]);
+		$resultTags = $query->execute(TRUE);
+		if ($temporaryTSFEInstance) {
+			unset($GLOBALS['TSFE']);
+		}
+		foreach ($resultTags as $tag) {
+			$tags[(int) $tag['uid']] = trim($tag['title']);
+		}
+		return $tags;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Get all news for the given categories (all if filter is empty)
+	 *
+	 * @param int $rootPageUid
+	 * @param array $filters
+	 * @param int $languageUid
+	 * @return array
+	 * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+	 */
+	public static function getNewsByFilters($rootPageUid = 0, array $filters = [], $languageUid = 0) {
+		$out = [];
+		$rootPageUid = (int) $rootPageUid;
+		$languageUid = (int) $languageUid;
+		if (!$rootPageUid) {
+			return $out;
+		}
+		$categories = [];
+		if (!isset($filters['categories']) || !is_array($filters['categories']) || !count($filters['categories'])) {
+			$rootCategories = self::getCategoriesForSiteRoot($rootPageUid);
+			foreach ($rootCategories as $categoryUid => $categoryTitle) {
+				$categories[] = (int) $categoryUid;
+			}
+		} else {
+			foreach ($filters['categories'] as $categoryUid) {
+				$categoryPageInfo = BackendUtility::readPageAccess(
+					(int) $categoryUid, $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->getPagePermsClause(1)
+				);
+				if ($categoryPageInfo) {
+					$categories[] = (int) $categoryUid;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if (!count($categories)) {
+			return $out;
+		}
+		$queryGenerator = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(QueryGenerator::class);
+		$allowedUids = [];
+		foreach ($categories as $categoryUid) {
+			$allowedUidsTemp = GeneralUtility::intExplode(
+				',', $queryGenerator->getTreeList(
+				$categoryUid, 1, 0, $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->getPagePermsClause(1)
+			), TRUE
+			);
+			$allowedUids = array_unique(array_merge($allowedUids, $allowedUidsTemp));
+		}
+		if (!count($allowedUids)) {
+			return $out;
+		}
+		list($select, $tables, $where) = self::getNewsQueryParts($allowedUids, $filters, $languageUid);
+		if ($tables === '') {
+			return $out;
+		}
+		/** @var DatabaseConnection $databaseConnection */
+		$databaseConnection = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB'];
+		$result = $databaseConnection->exec_SELECTquery($select, $tables, $where, '`pages`.`uid`', '`pages`.`sorting`');
+		while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
+			$out[] = $row;
+		}
+		return $out;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Creates news query parts
+	 *
+	 * @param array $allowedUids
+	 * @param array $filters
+	 * @param int $languageUid
+	 * @return array
+	 */
+	private static function getNewsQueryParts(array $allowedUids, array $filters = [], $languageUid = 0) {
+		$out = [0 => '
+		`pages`.`uid` AS uid,
+		`pages`.`pid` AS pid,
+		`pages`.`hidden` AS hidden,
+		`pages`.`sorting` AS sorting,
+		`pages`.`doktype` AS doktype,
+		`pages`.`title` AS title
+		', 1 => '', 2 => ''];
+		$out[1] = '`pages`';
+		$out[2] = '`pages`.`uid` IN(' . implode(',', $allowedUids) . ') ' . BackendUtility::deleteClause('pages') .
+			' AND `pages`.`doktype` = ' . self::NEWS_DOKTYPE;
+		if ($languageUid) {
+			$out[0] .= ', `translation`.`title` AS translation_title';
+			$out[1] .= ' LEFT JOIN `pages_language_overlay` AS `translation` ON `translation`.`pid` = `pages`.`uid` ' .
+				BackendUtility::deleteClause('pages_language_overlay', 'translation') .
+				' AND `translation`.`sys_language_uid` = ' . $languageUid;
+		}
+		if (isset($filters['tags']) && is_array($filters['tags']) && count($filters['tags'])) {
+			$tagUids = [];
+			foreach ($filters['tags'] as $tagUid) {
+				if ((int) $tagUid && !in_array((int) $tagUid, $tagUids, TRUE)) {
+					$tagUids[] = (int) $tagUid;
+				}
+			}
+			if (count($tagUids)) {
+				$out[1] .= ' INNER JOIN `sys_category_record_mm` AS `tag` ON `tag`.`tablenames` = \'pages\'' .
+					' AND `tag`.`fieldname` = \'tx_sgnews_tags\' AND `tag`.`uid_foreign` = `pages`.`uid`' .
+					' AND `tag`.`uid_local` IN (' . implode(',', $filters['tags']) . ')';
+			}
+		}
+		if (isset($filters['search']) && trim($filters['search'])) {
+			$out[2] .= self::getNewsSearchClause(trim($filters['search']), $languageUid);
+		}
+		return $out;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Creates constraints of query for searching news by search-word
+	 *
+	 * @param string $searchString
+	 * @param int $languageUid
+	 * @return string
+	 */
+	private static function getNewsSearchClause($searchString = '', $languageUid = 0) {
+		$out = '';
+		$searchString = strtolower(trim($searchString));
+		$languageUid = (int) $languageUid;
+		if (!$searchString) {
+			return $out;
+		}
+		$out = ' AND (';
+		/** @var DatabaseConnection $databaseConnection */
+		$databaseConnection = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB'];
+		$likeString = 'LIKE \'%' . $databaseConnection->escapeStrForLike($searchString, 'pages') . '%\'';
+		$constraints = [];
+		$pageFields = [
+			'title' => TRUE,
+			'description' => TRUE,
+			'author' => TRUE,
+			'abstract' => TRUE,
+		];
+		foreach ($pageFields as $fieldName => $isCommonField) {
+			if ($isCommonField) {
+				$constraints[] = 'LOWER(`pages`.`' . $fieldName . '`) ' . $likeString;
+			}
+		}
+		if (!$languageUid) {
+			foreach ($pageFields as $fieldName => $isCommonField) {
+				if (!$isCommonField) {
+					$constraints[] = 'LOWER(`pages`.`' . $fieldName . '`) ' . $likeString;
+				}
+			}
+		} else {
+			foreach ($pageFields as $fieldName => $isCommonField) {
+				if ($isCommonField) {
+					$constraints[] = 'LOWER(`translation`.`' . $fieldName . '`) ' . $likeString;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		$out .= implode(' OR ', $constraints) . ')';
+		return $out;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Returns the available languages for the current BE user
+	 *
+	 * @param int $pageUid
+	 * @return array
+	 * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+	 */
+	public static function getAvailableLanguages($pageUid = 0) {
+		$pageUid = (int) $pageUid;
+		$rootline = BackendUtility::BEgetRootLine($pageUid, '', TRUE);
+		$defaultLanguage = LocalizationUtility::translate('backend.language.default', 'SgNews');
+		$pageTS = BackendUtility::getPagesTSconfig($pageUid, $rootline);
+		if (isset($pageTS['mod.']['SHARED.']['defaultLanguageLabel'])) {
+			$defaultLanguage = $pageTS['mod.']['SHARED.']['defaultLanguageLabel'] . ' (' . $defaultLanguage . ')';
+		}
+		$defaultLanguageFlag = 'empty-empty';
+		if (isset($pageTS['mod.']['SHARED.']['defaultLanguageFlag'])) {
+			$defaultLanguageFlag = 'flags-' . $pageTS['mod.']['SHARED.']['defaultLanguageFlag'];
+		}
+		$languages = [
+			0 => ['title' => $defaultLanguage, 'flag' => $defaultLanguageFlag]
+		];
+		/** @var DatabaseConnection $databaseConnection */
+		$databaseConnection = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB'];
+		$languageRows = $databaseConnection->exec_SELECTgetRows(
+			'uid, title, flag', 'sys_language', 'hidden = 0', '', 'sorting'
+		);
+		if ($languageRows) {
+			/** @var BackendUserAuthentication $backendUser */
+			$backendUser = $GLOBALS['BE_USER'];
+			foreach ($languageRows as $languageRow) {
+				if ($backendUser->checkLanguageAccess($languageRow['uid'])) {
+					$languages[(int) $languageRow['uid']] = [
+						'title' => $languageRow['title'],
+						'flag' => 'flags-' . $languageRow['flag'],
+					];
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return $languages;
+	}
diff --git a/Classes/Service/LicensingService.php b/Classes/Service/LicensingService.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..92b72fefd8732f818548eb7f8bd1ec29fc60bae6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Classes/Service/LicensingService.php
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+namespace SGalinski\SgNews\Service;
+ *  Copyright notice
+ *
+ *  (c) sgalinski Internet Services (https://www.sgalinski.de)
+ *
+ *  All rights reserved
+ *
+ *  This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is
+ *  free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  The GNU General Public License can be found at
+ *  http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
+ *
+ *  This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
+ ***************************************************************/
+use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
+use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
+use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Authentication\BackendUserAuthentication;
+use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility;
+ * Class SGalinski\SgNews\Service\LicensingService
+ */
+class LicensingService {
+	/**
+	 * Licensing Service Url
+	 */
+	const URL = 'https://www.sgalinski.de/?eID=sgLicensing';
+	/**
+	 * Licensing Service Url
+	 */
+	const EXTENSION_KEY = 'sg_news';
+	/** @var bool|NULL */
+	private static $isLicenseKeyValid;
+	/**
+	 * @return boolean
+	 */
+	public static function checkKey(): bool {
+		if (static::$isLicenseKeyValid === NULL) {
+			static::$isLicenseKeyValid = FALSE;
+			$configuration = unserialize($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXT']['extConf'][self::EXTENSION_KEY], [FALSE]);
+			if (isset($configuration['key']) && $key = trim($configuration['key'])) {
+				static::$isLicenseKeyValid = (bool) preg_match('/^([A-Z\d]{6}-?){4}$/', $key);
+			}
+		}
+		return static::$isLicenseKeyValid;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Licensing Service ping
+	 *
+	 * @param boolean $returnUrl
+	 * @return string
+	 */
+	public static function ping($returnUrl = FALSE): string {
+		try {
+			$configuration = unserialize($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXT']['extConf'][self::EXTENSION_KEY], [FALSE]);
+			$key = '';
+			if (isset($configuration['key'])) {
+				$key = trim($configuration['key']);
+			}
+			$params = [
+				'extension' => self::EXTENSION_KEY,
+				'host' => GeneralUtility::getIndpEnv('HTTP_HOST'),
+				'key' => $key
+			];
+			$params = http_build_query($params);
+			$pingUrl = self::URL;
+			$pingUrl .= $params !== '' ? (strpos($pingUrl, '?') === FALSE ? '?' : '&') . $params : '';
+			if ($returnUrl) {
+				return $pingUrl;
+			}
+			GeneralUtility::getUrl($pingUrl);
+		} catch (\Exception $exception) {
+		}
+		return '';
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Generates a random password string based on the configured password policies.
+	 *
+	 * @param ServerRequestInterface $request
+	 * @param ResponseInterface $response
+	 * @return ResponseInterface
+	 * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+	 */
+	public function ajaxPing(ServerRequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response): ResponseInterface {
+		/** @var BackendUserAuthentication $backendUser */
+		$backendUser = $GLOBALS['BE_USER'];
+		if ($backendUser && !$backendUser->getModuleData('tools_beuser/index.php/web_SgNewsNews_pinged', 'ses')) {
+			$backendUser->pushModuleData('tools_beuser/index.php/web_SgNewsNews_pinged', TRUE);
+			self::ping();
+		}
+		return $response;
+	}
diff --git a/Classes/ViewHelpers/AbstractViewHelper.php b/Classes/ViewHelpers/AbstractViewHelper.php
index 5690834bba7665ef58b98b829bde03955b5d734c..a99506e454bcf2ca7c5b86ff6bd3c4703587ed49 100644
--- a/Classes/ViewHelpers/AbstractViewHelper.php
+++ b/Classes/ViewHelpers/AbstractViewHelper.php
@@ -32,6 +32,17 @@ use TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\ViewHelpers\Be\AbstractBackendViewHelper;
  * Abstract view helper
 class AbstractViewHelper extends AbstractBackendViewHelper {
+	/**
+	 * @var boolean
+	 */
+	protected $escapeOutput = FALSE;
+	/**
+	 * @var boolean
+	 */
+	protected $escapeChildren = FALSE;
 	 * Returns the base url of the site
diff --git a/Classes/ViewHelpers/Backend/ControlViewHelper.php b/Classes/ViewHelpers/Backend/ControlViewHelper.php
index 060badb345c768672226fced8961afaa8819b603..3e7c5da4cbb726f50ddaefa60d3741d135b14ebd 100644
--- a/Classes/ViewHelpers/Backend/ControlViewHelper.php
+++ b/Classes/ViewHelpers/Backend/ControlViewHelper.php
@@ -26,10 +26,15 @@ namespace SGalinski\SgNews\ViewHelpers\Backend;
  *  This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
+use SGalinski\SgNews\Service\LicensingService;
+use SGalinski\SgNews\ViewHelpers\AbstractViewHelper;
+use TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Clipboard\Clipboard;
 use TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility;
 use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Authentication\BackendUserAuthentication;
+use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Imaging\Icon;
+use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Imaging\IconFactory;
 use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility;
-use TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\Core\ViewHelper\AbstractViewHelper;
+use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Utility\LocalizationUtility;
 use TYPO3\CMS\Recordlist\RecordList\DatabaseRecordList;
@@ -41,17 +46,49 @@ class ControlViewHelper extends AbstractViewHelper {
 	 * @param string $table
 	 * @param mixed $row
+	 * @param array $sortingData
+	 * @param boolean $clipboard
 	 * @return string
 	 * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
 	 * @throws \UnexpectedValueException
-	public function render($table, $row) {
+	public function render($table, $row, array $sortingData = [], $clipboard = FALSE) {
+		if (!is_array($row)) {
+			$row = BackendUtility::getRecord($table, $row->getUid());
+		}
 		/** @var DatabaseRecordList $databaseRecordList */
 		$databaseRecordList = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(DatabaseRecordList::class);
 		/** @var BackendUserAuthentication $backendUser */
 		$backendUser = $GLOBALS['BE_USER'];
 		$pageInfo = BackendUtility::readPageAccess($row['pid'], $backendUser->getPagePermsClause(1));
 		$databaseRecordList->calcPerms = $GLOBALS['BE_USER']->calcPerms($pageInfo);
-		return $databaseRecordList->makeControl($table, $row);
+		$databaseRecordList->currentTable = $sortingData;
+		$out = $databaseRecordList->makeControl($table, $row);
+		if ($clipboard) {
+			$databaseRecordList->MOD_SETTINGS['clipBoard'] = TRUE;
+			$databaseRecordList->clipObj = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(Clipboard::class);
+			$databaseRecordList->clipObj->initializeClipboard();
+			$GLOBALS['SOBE'] = $databaseRecordList;
+			$out .= $databaseRecordList->makeClip($table, $row);
+		}
+		if ($table === 'pages' && LicensingService::checkKey()) {
+			$rootline = BackendUtility::BEgetRootLine($row['uid'], '', TRUE);
+			ksort($rootline);
+			$path = '/root';
+			foreach ($rootline as $page) {
+				$path .= '/p' . dechex($page['uid']);
+			}
+			/** @var IconFactory $iconFactory */
+			$iconFactory = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(IconFactory::class);
+			$out .= ' <div class="btn-group" role="group">
+						<a href="#" onclick="return sgNewsGoToPageModule(' . $row['uid'] . ', \'' . $path . '\');" class="btn btn-default" title="' . LocalizationUtility::translate(
+					'backend.button.editPageContent', 'SgNews'
+				) . '">' .
+				$iconFactory->getIcon('actions-document-open', Icon::SIZE_SMALL)->render() .
+				'</a>
+					</div>';
+		}
+		return $out;
diff --git a/Classes/ViewHelpers/Backend/EditOnClickViewHelper.php b/Classes/ViewHelpers/Backend/EditOnClickViewHelper.php
index 70d0fdd7e1ed35a5b1bd52b0642c2520027bd4f5..fb6cda9d73f2f5d26870bccadc0c5ee6ade2ff43 100644
--- a/Classes/ViewHelpers/Backend/EditOnClickViewHelper.php
+++ b/Classes/ViewHelpers/Backend/EditOnClickViewHelper.php
@@ -26,8 +26,9 @@ namespace SGalinski\SgNews\ViewHelpers\Backend;
  *  This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
+use SGalinski\SgNews\Service\BackendNewsUtility;
+use SGalinski\SgNews\ViewHelpers\AbstractViewHelper;
 use TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility;
-use TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\Core\ViewHelper\AbstractViewHelper;
  * Class EditOnClickViewHelper
@@ -39,9 +40,17 @@ class EditOnClickViewHelper extends AbstractViewHelper {
 	 * @param string $table
 	 * @param int $uid
 	 * @param boolean $new
+	 * @param string $type
 	 * @return string
-	public function render($table, $uid, $new = FALSE) {
-		return BackendUtility::editOnClick('&edit[' . $table . '][' . $uid . ']=' . ($new ? 'new' : 'edit'), '', -1);
+	public function render($table, $uid, $new = FALSE, $type = '') {
+		$additionalParameters = '';
+		if ($new && $table === 'pages' && in_array($type, ['news', 'category'], TRUE)) {
+			$additionalParameters = '&overrideVals[pages][doktype]=' .
+				($type === 'news' ? BackendNewsUtility::NEWS_DOKTYPE : BackendNewsUtility::CATEGORY_DOKTYPE);
+		}
+		return BackendUtility::editOnClick(
+			'&edit[' . $table . '][' . $uid . ']=' . ($new ? 'new' : 'edit') . $additionalParameters, '', -1
+		);
diff --git a/Classes/ViewHelpers/Backend/IconViewHelper.php b/Classes/ViewHelpers/Backend/IconViewHelper.php
index a27a54aa279fc7a8eaabeaa4570a1ea78ace1981..cd792ce2ddd665b749651a7a378d3ead8bda390c 100644
--- a/Classes/ViewHelpers/Backend/IconViewHelper.php
+++ b/Classes/ViewHelpers/Backend/IconViewHelper.php
@@ -26,36 +26,41 @@ namespace SGalinski\SgNews\ViewHelpers\Backend;
  *  This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
-use TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility;
+use SGalinski\SgNews\ViewHelpers\AbstractViewHelper;
 use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Imaging\Icon;
 use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Imaging\IconFactory;
 use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility;
-use TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\Core\ViewHelper\AbstractViewHelper;
  * Class IconViewHelper
 class IconViewHelper extends AbstractViewHelper {
-	 * Renders the icon for the specified record
+	 * Renders the icon for the specified identifier
+	 * with the requested size option and overlay.
-	 * @param string $table
-	 * @param mixed $row
-	 * @param boolean $clickMenu
+	 * @param string $id
+	 * @param string $size
+	 * @param string $overlayId
 	 * @return string
 	 * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
-	public function render($table, $row, $clickMenu = TRUE) {
+	public function render($id, $size = '', $overlayId = NULL) {
+		$id = trim($id);
+		$size = trim($size);
+		switch ($size) {
+			case 'small' :
+				$size = Icon::SIZE_SMALL;
+				break;
+			case 'large' :
+				$size = Icon::SIZE_LARGE;
+				break;
+			default :
+				$size = Icon::SIZE_DEFAULT;
+				break;
+		}
 		/** @var IconFactory $iconFactory */
 		$iconFactory = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(IconFactory::class);
-		$toolTip = BackendUtility::getRecordToolTip($row, $table);
-		$iconImg = '<span ' . $toolTip . '>'
-			. $iconFactory->getIconForRecord($table, $row, Icon::SIZE_SMALL)->render()
-			. '</span>';
-		if ($clickMenu) {
-			return BackendUtility::wrapClickMenuOnIcon($iconImg, $table, $row['uid']);
-		} else {
-			return $iconImg;
-		}
+		return $iconFactory->getIcon($id, $size, $overlayId)->render();
diff --git a/Classes/ViewHelpers/Backend/RecordIconViewHelper.php b/Classes/ViewHelpers/Backend/RecordIconViewHelper.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3fcb96388946bf6607450f627e699dfa30042f75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Classes/ViewHelpers/Backend/RecordIconViewHelper.php
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+namespace SGalinski\SgNews\ViewHelpers\Backend;
+ *  Copyright notice
+ *
+ *  (c) sgalinski Internet Services (https://www.sgalinski.de)
+ *
+ *  All rights reserved
+ *
+ *  This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is
+ *  free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  The GNU General Public License can be found at
+ *  http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
+ *
+ *  This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
+ ***************************************************************/
+use SGalinski\SgNews\ViewHelpers\AbstractViewHelper;
+use TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility;
+use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Imaging\Icon;
+use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Imaging\IconFactory;
+use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility;
+ * Class IconViewHelper
+ **/
+class RecordIconViewHelper extends AbstractViewHelper {
+	/**
+	 * Renders the icon for the specified record
+	 *
+	 * @param string $table
+	 * @param mixed $row
+	 * @param boolean $clickMenu
+	 * @return string
+	 * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+	 */
+	public function render($table, $row, $clickMenu = TRUE) {
+		/** @var IconFactory $iconFactory */
+		$iconFactory = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(IconFactory::class);
+		$toolTip = BackendUtility::getRecordToolTip($row, $table);
+		$iconImg = '<span ' . $toolTip . '>'
+			. $iconFactory->getIconForRecord($table, $row, Icon::SIZE_SMALL)->render()
+			. '</span>';
+		if ($clickMenu) {
+			return BackendUtility::wrapClickMenuOnIcon($iconImg, $table, $row['uid']);
+		} else {
+			return $iconImg;
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/Classes/ViewHelpers/Backend/TranslationLinksViewHelper.php b/Classes/ViewHelpers/Backend/TranslationLinksViewHelper.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bf9f22d3de8ab6b0cbd1f77dbd7d50727addaffb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Classes/ViewHelpers/Backend/TranslationLinksViewHelper.php
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+namespace SGalinski\SgNews\ViewHelpers\Backend;
+ *  Copyright notice
+ *
+ *  (c) sgalinski Internet Services (https://www.sgalinski.de)
+ *
+ *  All rights reserved
+ *
+ *  This script is part of the TYPO3 project. The TYPO3 project is
+ *  free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  The GNU General Public License can be found at
+ *  http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
+ *
+ *  This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
+ ***************************************************************/
+use SGalinski\SgNews\Service\BackendNewsUtility;
+use SGalinski\SgNews\Service\LicensingService;
+use SGalinski\SgNews\ViewHelpers\AbstractViewHelper;
+use TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility;
+use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Imaging\Icon;
+use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Imaging\IconFactory;
+use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility;
+use TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Utility\LocalizationUtility;
+ * Class EditOnClickViewHelper
+ **/
+class TranslationLinksViewHelper extends AbstractViewHelper {
+	/**
+	 * Renders the translation links for the specified record
+	 *
+	 * @param int $pageUid
+	 * @param string $table
+	 * @param int $uid
+	 * @return string
+	 * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
+	 */
+	public function render($pageUid = 0, $table, $uid) {
+		$out = '';
+		if (!LicensingService::checkKey()) {
+			return $out;
+		}
+		$table = trim($table);
+		if ($table !== 'pages' && !isset($GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['languageField'])) {
+			return $out;
+		}
+		$uid = (int) $uid;
+		$pageUid = (int) $pageUid;
+		$row = BackendUtility::getRecord($table, $uid);
+		if ($row) {
+			/** @var IconFactory $iconFactory */
+			$iconFactory = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(IconFactory::class);
+			$lanuageField = $GLOBALS['TCA'][$table]['ctrl']['languageField'];
+			$currentLanguageUid = $table === 'pages' ? 0 : $row[$lanuageField];
+			if ($currentLanguageUid === -1) {
+				$languages = [
+					-1 => [
+						'title' => LocalizationUtility::translate('backend.language.allLanguages', 'SgNews'),
+						'flag' => 'flags-multiple'
+					]
+				];
+			} else {
+				$languages = BackendNewsUtility::getAvailableLanguages($pageUid);
+			}
+			$editLabel = LocalizationUtility::translate('backend.action.edit', 'SgNews');
+			$newLabel = LocalizationUtility::translate('backend.action.new', 'SgNews');
+			$translationParameters = '&cmd[' . $table . '][' . $row['uid'] . '][localize]=%s';
+			if ($table === 'pages') {
+				$translationParameters = '&edit[pages_language_overlay][' . $row['uid'] . ']=new';
+				$translationParameters .= '&overrideVals[pages_language_overlay][doktype]=' . $row['doktype'];
+				$translationParameters .= '&overrideVals[pages_language_overlay][sys_language_uid]=%s';
+			}
+			foreach ($languages as $languageUid => $language) {
+				$translatedUid = 0;
+				if ((int) $languageUid <= 0) {
+					$translationTable = $table;
+					$translatedUid = $uid;
+				} else {
+					$translationTable = $table === 'pages' ? 'pages_language_overlay' : $table;
+					$translatedRows = BackendUtility::getRecordLocalization($table, $uid, $languageUid);
+					if (count($translatedRows)) {
+						$translatedUid = (int) $translatedRows[0]['uid'];
+					}
+				}
+				if ($translatedUid) {
+					$onClick = BackendUtility::editOnClick(
+						'&edit[' . $translationTable . '][' . $translatedUid . ']=edit', '', -1
+					);
+					$out .= ' <a href="#" onclick="' . $onClick . '" title="' . $language['title'] . ' [' . $editLabel . ']" >' .
+						$iconFactory->getIcon($language['flag'], Icon::SIZE_SMALL)->render() .
+						'</a>';
+				} else {
+					if ($table === 'pages') {
+						$onClick = BackendUtility::editOnClick(
+							sprintf($translationParameters, $languageUid), '', -1
+						);
+					} else {
+						$onClick = 'window.location.href=' . BackendUtility::getLinkToDataHandlerAction(
+								sprintf($translationParameters, $languageUid), -1
+							) . ' return false;';
+					}
+					$out .= ' <a href="#" onclick="' . $onClick . '" title="' . $language['title'] . ' [' . $newLabel . ']" >' .
+						$iconFactory->getIcon($language['flag'], Icon::SIZE_SMALL, 'overlay-new')->render() .
+						'</a>';
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return $out;
+	}
diff --git a/Classes/ViewHelpers/Backend/Widget/PaginateViewHelper.php b/Classes/ViewHelpers/Backend/Widget/PaginateViewHelper.php
index c8bb2bdeb033e697f5510363d3dddf457cf3b5d7..350eab995d26fb44fceb1458c45db07fe0c3819d 100644
--- a/Classes/ViewHelpers/Backend/Widget/PaginateViewHelper.php
+++ b/Classes/ViewHelpers/Backend/Widget/PaginateViewHelper.php
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 namespace SGalinski\SgNews\ViewHelpers\Backend\Widget;
@@ -24,7 +25,7 @@ namespace SGalinski\SgNews\ViewHelpers\Backend\Widget;
  *  This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
-use SGalinski\SgRoutes\ViewHelpers\Backend\Widget\Controller\PaginateController;
+use SGalinski\SgNews\ViewHelpers\Backend\Widget\Controller\PaginateController;
 use TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\Core\Widget\AbstractWidgetViewHelper;
@@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ use TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\Core\Widget\AbstractWidgetViewHelper;
 class PaginateViewHelper extends AbstractWidgetViewHelper {
-	 * @var \SGalinski\SgRoutes\ViewHelpers\Backend\Widget\Controller\PaginateController
+	 * @var \SGalinski\SgNews\ViewHelpers\Backend\Widget\Controller\PaginateController
 	protected $controller;
@@ -54,6 +55,7 @@ class PaginateViewHelper extends AbstractWidgetViewHelper {
 	 * @param string $as
 	 * @param array $configuration
 	 * @return string
+	 * @throws \TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\Core\Widget\Exception\MissingControllerException
 	public function render(
 		$objects, $as,
diff --git a/Configuration/Backend/AjaxRoutes.php b/Configuration/Backend/AjaxRoutes.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6b2f02dd2cbcb14bf3ae63c935a35010921d2c9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Configuration/Backend/AjaxRoutes.php
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+return [
+	'sg_news::ajaxPing' => [
+		'path' => '/sg_news/ajaxPing',
+		'target' => SGalinski\SgNews\Service\LicensingService::class . '::ajaxPing',
+	]
diff --git a/Resources/Private/Language/de.locallang.xlf b/Resources/Private/Language/de.locallang.xlf
index 76b5ad0504b315dc09be5f4320a2162b1e9c3c9c..4034187b922e097665e6bb0b3ee23a1749475303 100644
--- a/Resources/Private/Language/de.locallang.xlf
+++ b/Resources/Private/Language/de.locallang.xlf
@@ -9,6 +9,74 @@
+		<trans-unit id="backend.action.edit" approved="yes">
+			<source>Edit</source>
+			<target>Bearbeiten</target>
+		</trans-unit>
+		<trans-unit id="backend.action.new" approved="yes">
+			<source>New</source>
+			<target>Neu</target>
+		</trans-unit>
+		<trans-unit id="backend.button.createCategory" approved="yes">
+			<source>Add News Category</source>
+			<target>Kategorie hinzufügen</target>
+		</trans-unit>
+		<trans-unit id="backend.button.createNews" approved="yes">
+			<source>Add News Record</source>
+			<target>News-Eintrag hinzufügen</target>
+		</trans-unit>
+		<trans-unit id="backend.button.editPageContent" approved="yes">
+			<source>Edit Page Content</source>
+			<target>Seiteninhalt bearbeiten</target>
+		</trans-unit>
+		<trans-unit id="backend.filter" approved="yes">
+			<source>Filter</source>
+			<target>Filter</target>
+		</trans-unit>
+		<trans-unit id="backend.filters.categories" approved="yes">
+			<source>Categories</source>
+			<target>Kategorien</target>
+		</trans-unit>
+		<trans-unit id="backend.filters.categories.description" approved="yes">
+			<source>(Use the &lt;em&gt;ctrl&lt;/em&gt; or &lt;em&gt;cmd&lt;/em&gt; keys to deselect an option or to select multiple options)</source>
+			<target>(Benutze die &lt;em&gt;ctrl&lt;/em&gt; oder &lt;em&gt;cmd&lt;/em&gt;-Tasten, um eine Option abzuwählen oder mehrere anzuwählen)</target>
+		</trans-unit>
+		<trans-unit id="backend.filters.search" approved="yes">
+			<source>Search</source>
+			<target>Suche</target>
+		</trans-unit>
+		<trans-unit id="backend.filters.tags" approved="yes">
+			<source>Tags</source>
+			<target>Tags</target>
+		</trans-unit>
+		<trans-unit id="backend.filters.tags.description" approved="yes">
+			<source>(Use the &lt;em&gt;ctrl&lt;/em&gt; or &lt;em&gt;cmd&lt;/em&gt; keys to deselect an option or to select multiple options)</source>
+			<target>(Benutze die &lt;em&gt;ctrl&lt;/em&gt; oder &lt;em&gt;cmd&lt;/em&gt;-Tasten, um eine Option abzuwählen oder mehrere anzuwählen)</target>
+		</trans-unit>
+		<trans-unit id="backend.language.default" approved="yes">
+			<source>Default</source>
+			<target>Default</target>
+		</trans-unit>
+		<trans-unit id="backend.licenceBannerText" approved="yes">
+			<source><![CDATA[Please visit our <a class="text-primary" href="https://shop.sgalinski.de/products/" target="_blank">online shop</a> to purchase a license with all features and to remove this ad. You can enter the licence key in the extension manager configuration of sg_news. Thanks for helping our development efforts!]]></source>
+			<target><![CDATA[Bitte besuchen Sie unseren <a class="text-primary" href="https://shop.sgalinski.de/products/" target="_blank">Online-Shop</a>, um eine lizenzierte Version ohne diese Ad und mit allen Features zu erwerben. Sie können den Key in der Extension-Manager-Konfiguration von sg_news eingeben. Vielen Dank für die Unterstützung unserer Produkt-Entwicklungen!]]></target>
+		</trans-unit>
+		<trans-unit id="backend.licenceBannerTitle" approved="yes">
+			<source>SG_NEWS Free version</source>
+			<target>SG_NEWS Kostenlose Version</target>
+		</trans-unit>
+		<trans-unit id="backend.selectPage" approved="yes">
+			<source>Please select one of the Root or News Category pages to continue</source>
+			<target>Bitte wählen Sie eine der Root- oder News-Kategorieseiten aus, um fortzufahren</target>
+		</trans-unit>
+		<trans-unit id="backend.selectPageOr" approved="yes">
+			<source>, or</source>
+			<target>, oder</target>
+		</trans-unit>
+		<trans-unit id="configuration.licenseKey" approved="yes">
+			<source>License Key</source>
+			<target>Lizenzschlüssel</target>
+		</trans-unit>
 		<trans-unit id="frontend.overview.allTabLabel" approved="yes">
diff --git a/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf b/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf
index 4f4a33c03f23e905d855566b2d0c62492bc4f7e8..b30e02559fae366f99aee81fb5696e76383c625f 100644
--- a/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf
+++ b/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf
@@ -9,6 +9,57 @@
+		<trans-unit id="backend.action.edit">
+			<source>Edit</source>
+		</trans-unit>
+		<trans-unit id="backend.action.new">
+			<source>New</source>
+		</trans-unit>
+		<trans-unit id="backend.button.createCategory">
+			<source>Add News Category</source>
+		</trans-unit>
+		<trans-unit id="backend.button.createNews">
+			<source>Add News Record</source>
+		</trans-unit>
+		<trans-unit id="backend.button.editPageContent">
+			<source>Edit Page Content</source>
+		</trans-unit>
+		<trans-unit id="backend.filter">
+			<source>Filter</source>
+		</trans-unit>
+		<trans-unit id="backend.filters.categories">
+			<source>Categories</source>
+		</trans-unit>
+		<trans-unit id="backend.filters.categories.description">
+			<source>(Use the &lt;em&gt;ctrl&lt;/em&gt; or &lt;em&gt;cmd&lt;/em&gt; keys to deselect an option or to select multiple options)</source>
+		</trans-unit>
+		<trans-unit id="backend.filters.search">
+			<source>Search</source>
+		</trans-unit>
+		<trans-unit id="backend.filters.tags">
+			<source>Tags</source>
+		</trans-unit>
+		<trans-unit id="backend.filters.tags.description">
+			<source>(Use the &lt;em&gt;ctrl&lt;/em&gt; or &lt;em&gt;cmd&lt;/em&gt; keys to deselect an option or to select multiple options)</source>
+		</trans-unit>
+		<trans-unit id="backend.language.default">
+			<source>Default</source>
+		</trans-unit>
+		<trans-unit id="backend.licenceBannerText">
+			<source><![CDATA[Please visit our <a class="text-primary" href="https://shop.sgalinski.de/products/" target="_blank">online shop</a> to purchase a license with all features and to remove this ad. You can enter the licence key in the extension manager configuration of sg_news. Thanks for helping our development efforts!]]></source>
+		</trans-unit>
+		<trans-unit id="backend.licenceBannerTitle">
+			<source>SG_NEWS Free version</source>
+		</trans-unit>
+		<trans-unit id="backend.selectPage">
+			<source>Please select one of the Root or News Category pages to continue</source>
+		</trans-unit>
+		<trans-unit id="backend.selectPageOr">
+			<source>, or</source>
+		</trans-unit>
+		<trans-unit id="configuration.licenseKey">
+			<source>License Key</source>
+		</trans-unit>
 		<trans-unit id="frontend.overview.allTabLabel">
diff --git a/Resources/Private/Layouts/Backend.html b/Resources/Private/Layouts/Backend.html
index cea4b404f6a098af9c7b2317045d9ff5d1fb1760..093b539027a23e4a66a8fb23fcb97a5cbd73d27f 100644
--- a/Resources/Private/Layouts/Backend.html
+++ b/Resources/Private/Layouts/Backend.html
@@ -8,13 +8,17 @@
 		2: 'TYPO3/CMS/Backend/Tooltip'}">
 	<sg:addJavaScriptFile javaScriptFile="{f:uri.resource(path: 'Scripts/Backend.js')}" />
-	<f:format.raw>
-		<sg:inlineLanguageLabels labels="backend.delete_route, backend.delete_all, backend.htaccess" />
-	</f:format.raw>
 	<div class="module" data-module-id="" data-module-name="">
 		<div class="module-docheader t3js-module-docheader">
 			<div class="module-docheader-bar module-docheader-bar-navigation t3js-module-docheader-bar t3js-module-docheader-bar-navigation">
 				<div class="module-docheader-bar-column-left">
+					<f:for each="{docHeader.menus}" as="menu">
+						<f:be.menus.actionMenu additionalAttributes="{name: menu.identifier}">
+							<f:for each="{menu.menuItems}" as="menuItem">
+								<option value="{menuItem.href}" {f:if(condition: '{menuItem.active}', then: 'selected="selected"')}>{menuItem.title}</option>
+							</f:for>
+						</f:be.menus.actionMenu>
+					</f:for>
 				<div class="module-docheader-bar-column-right">
 					<span class="typo3-docheader-pagePath"><f:translate key="LLL:EXT:lang/locallang_core.xlf:labels.path" />: <f:format.raw>{docHeader.metaInformation.path}</f:format.raw></span>
@@ -23,9 +27,6 @@
 			<div class="module-docheader-bar module-docheader-bar-buttons t3js-module-docheader-bar t3js-module-docheader-bar-buttons">
 				<div class="module-docheader-bar-column-left">
-					<div class="btn-toolbar" role="toolbar" aria-label="">
-						<f:render section="iconButtons" />
-					</div>
 				<div class="module-docheader-bar-column-right">
 					<f:render partial="ButtonBar" arguments="{buttons:docHeader.buttons.right}" />
@@ -35,6 +36,9 @@
 	<div id="typo3-docbody">
 		<div id="typo3-inner-docbody">
+			<f:if condition="{showLicenseBanner}">
+				<f:render partial="Backend/LicenseBanner" />
+			</f:if>
 				<f:render section="headline" />
diff --git a/Resources/Private/Partials/Backend/Filter.html b/Resources/Private/Partials/Backend/Filter.html
index 53395972e523f116c4010e52f36bf54201c224cb..8392b2d5b1617bc03d7e56e07566bac8ab844162 100644
--- a/Resources/Private/Partials/Backend/Filter.html
+++ b/Resources/Private/Partials/Backend/Filter.html
@@ -1,24 +1,39 @@
 <f:form action="index" controller="Backend" method="post" objectName="filters" object="{filters}">
 	<div class="row">
-		<div class="col-xs-5">
-			<div class="form-group">
-				<label for="filter-category">
-					<f:translate key="backend.filters.category" />
-					<small><f:translate key="backend.filters.categories.description" /></small>
-				</label>
-				<f:form.select class="form-control" multiple="1" size="4" property="filters.categories" options="{categories}" id="filter-category" />
+		<f:if condition="{showCategoryFilter}">
+			<div class="col-xs-6">
+				<div class="form-group">
+					<label for="filter-categories">
+						<f:translate key="backend.filters.categories" />
+					</label>
+					<f:form.select class="form-control" multiple="1" size="4" property="categories" options="{categories}" id="filter-categories" />
+					<small><f:format.raw><f:translate key="backend.filters.categories.description" /></f:format.raw></small>
+				</div>
-		</div>
-		<div class="col-xs-4">
+		</f:if>
+		<div class="col-xs-{f:if(condition: showCategoryFilter, then: '6', else: '5')}">
 			<div class="form-group">
-				<label for="filter-search"><f:translate key="backend.filters.search" /></label>
-				<f:form.textfield class="form-control" property="search" id="filter-search" />
+				<label for="filter-tags">
+					<f:translate key="backend.filters.tags" />
+				</label>
+				<f:form.select class="form-control" multiple="1" size="4" property="tags" options="{tags}" id="filter-tags" />
+				<small><f:format.raw><f:translate key="backend.filters.tags.description" /></f:format.raw></small>
-		<div class="col-xs-3">
-			<div class="form-group">
-				<label>&nbsp;</label><br />
-				<f:form.button class="btn btn-success form-group col-xs-12" type="submit">Filter</f:form.button>
+		<div class="col-xs-7 pull-right">
+			<div class="row">
+				<div class="col-xs-7">
+					<div class="form-group">
+						<label for="filter-search"><f:translate key="backend.filters.search" /></label>
+						<f:form.textfield class="form-control" property="search" id="filter-search" />
+					</div>
+				</div>
+				<div class="col-xs-5">
+					<div class="form-group">
+						<label>&nbsp;</label><br />
+						<f:form.button class="btn btn-success form-group col-xs-12" type="submit"><f:translate key="backend.filter" /></f:form.button>
+					</div>
+				</div>
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<div class="bannerContainer">
+	<div class="row">
+		<div class="col-xs-12">
+			<div class="panel panel-info">
+				<div class="panel-heading">
+					<f:image width="150" height="33" src="{f:uri.resource(path: 'Images/logo.svg')}" />
+					| <span><f:translate key="backend.licenceBannerTitle"/></span>
+				</div>
+				<div class="panel-body">
+					<f:format.raw>
+						<f:translate key="backend.licenceBannerText"/>
+					</f:format.raw>
+				</div>
+			</div>
+		</div>
+	</div>
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Private/Partials/Backend/SelectPage.html
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+{namespace sg=SGalinski\SgNews\ViewHelpers}
+	<f:translate key="backend.selectPage" /><f:if condition="{pageUid}"><f:else>.</f:else></f:if>
+	<f:if condition="{pageUid}">
+		<f:translate key="backend.selectPageOr" />
+		<a href="#" class="btn btn-default" onclick="{sg:backend.editOnClick(table: 'pages', uid: pageUid, new: 1, type: 'category')}">
+			<sg:backend.icon id="actions-document-new" size="small" />
+			<f:translate key="backend.button.createCategory" />
+		</a>
+	</f:if>
+<f:if condition="{pages}">
+	<div class="panel panel-default recordlist">
+		<div class="table-fit">
+			<table data-table="pages" class="table table-striped table-hover">
+				<tbody>
+					<f:for each="{pages}" as="page">
+						<tr data-uid="{page.uid}">
+							<td nowrap="nowrap" class="col-title">
+								<a href="#" onclick="sgNewsGoToPage({page.uid}, '{page.path}'); return false;">
+									<sg:backend.recordIcon table="pages" row="{page}" clickMenu="0" /> {page._thePathFull}
+								</a>
+							</td>
+						</tr>
+					</f:for>
+				</tbody>
+			</table>
+		</div>
+	</div>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Private/Templates/Backend/Index.html b/Resources/Private/Templates/Backend/Index.html
index 1555ee68dd79201ffb525978a53d554b0b65d1d2..902f0f018799c08954b2cc596891c71a6c377295 100644
--- a/Resources/Private/Templates/Backend/Index.html
+++ b/Resources/Private/Templates/Backend/Index.html
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-{namespace sg=SGalinski\SgRoutes\ViewHelpers}
+{namespace sg=SGalinski\SgNews\ViewHelpers}
 <f:layout name="Backend" />
@@ -11,45 +11,72 @@
 		<f:translate key="backend.message" />
-	<f:render partial="Backend/Filter" arguments="{categories: categories, filters: filters}" />
+	<f:if condition="{showNewsList}">
+		<f:then>
+			<f:render partial="Backend/Filter" arguments="{categories: categories, tags: tags, showCategoryFilter: showCategoryFilter, filters: filters}" />
-	<f:if condition="{news}">
-		<div class="panel panel-default recordlist">
-			<div class="table-fit">
-				<table data-table="pages" class="table table-striped table-hover">
-					<sg:backend.widget.paginate objects="{news}" as="paginatedNews" configuration="{insertAbove: 1, itemsPerPage: 20}">
-						<tbody>
-							<f:for each="{paginatedNews}" as="singleNews">
-								{sg:backend.editOnClick(table: 'pages', uid: singleNews.uid) -> sg:set(name: 'editOnClick')}
-								<tr data-uid="{singleNews.uid}">
-									<td nowrap="nowrap" class="col-icon">
-										<f:format.raw>
-											<sg:backend.icon table="pages" row="{singleNews}" />
-										</f:format.raw>
-									</td>
-									<td nowrap="nowrap">
-										<a href="#" onclick="{editOnClick}">
-												<span>
-													<f:if condition="{singleNews.title}">
-														<f:then>
-															{singleNews.title}
-														</f:then>
-													</f:if>
-												</span>
-										</a>
-									</td>
-									<td nowrap="nowrap" class="col-control">
-										<f:format.raw>
-											<sg:backend.control table="tx_sgroutes_domain_model_page" row="{singleNews}" />
-										</f:format.raw>
-									</td>
-								</tr>
-							</f:for>
-						</tbody>
-					</sg:backend.widget.paginate>
-				</table>
+			<div class="form-group">
+				<f:if condition="{showCategoryFilter}">
+					<f:then>
+						<a href="#" class="btn btn-default" onclick="{sg:backend.editOnClick(table: 'pages', uid: pageUid, new: 1, type: 'category')}">
+							<sg:backend.icon id="actions-document-new" size="small" />
+							<f:translate key="backend.button.createCategory" />
+						</a>
+					</f:then>
+					<f:else>
+						<a href="#" class="btn btn-default" onclick="{sg:backend.editOnClick(table: 'pages', uid: pageUid, new: 1, type: 'news')}">
+							<sg:backend.icon id="actions-document-new" size="small" />
+							<f:translate key="backend.button.createNews" />
+						</a>
+					</f:else>
+				</f:if>
-		</div>
-	</f:if>
+			<f:if condition="{news}">
+				<div class="panel panel-default recordlist">
+					<div class="table-fit">
+						<table data-table="pages" class="table table-striped table-hover">
+							<sg:backend.widget.paginate objects="{news}" as="paginatedNews" configuration="{insertAbove: 1, itemsPerPage: 20}">
+								<tbody>
+									<f:for each="{paginatedNews}" as="singleNews">
+										<tr data-uid="{singleNews.uid}">
+											<td nowrap="nowrap" class="col-icon">
+												<f:format.raw>
+													<sg:backend.recordIcon table="pages" row="{singleNews}" />
+												</f:format.raw>
+											</td>
+											<td nowrap="nowrap">
+												<a href="#" onclick="{sg:backend.editOnClick(table: 'pages', uid: singleNews.uid)}">
+													<span>
+														<f:if condition="{singleNews.translation_title}">
+															<f:then>
+																{singleNews.translation_title}
+															</f:then>
+															<f:else>
+																{singleNews.title}
+															</f:else>
+														</f:if>
+													</span>
+												</a> <br />
+												<sg:backend.translationLinks pageUid="{pageUid}" table="pages" uid="{singleNews.uid}" />
+											</td>
+											<td nowrap="nowrap" class="col-control">
+												<f:format.raw>
+													<sg:backend.control table="pages" row="{singleNews}" clipboard="1" />
+												</f:format.raw>
+											</td>
+										</tr>
+									</f:for>
+								</tbody>
+							</sg:backend.widget.paginate>
+						</table>
+					</div>
+				</div>
+			</f:if>
+		</f:then>
+		<f:else>
+			<f:render partial="Backend/SelectPage" arguments="{pages: alternativePageOptions, pageUid: pageUid}" />
+		</f:else>
+	</f:if>
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c1f58860aaa46f523e9d66fa79f2eb02c7e6aed4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Private/Templates/ViewHelpers/Backend/Widget/Paginate/Index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+{namespace core=TYPO3\CMS\Core\ViewHelpers}
+{namespace sg=SGalinski\SgRoutes\ViewHelpers}
+<f:if condition="{configuration.insertAbove}">
+	<thead>
+		<tr>
+			<td colspan="6">
+				<f:render section="paginator" arguments="{pagination: pagination, position:'top', recordsLabel: configuration.recordsLabel}" />
+			</td>
+		</tr>
+	</thead>
+<f:renderChildren arguments="{contentArguments}" />
+<f:if condition="{configuration.insertBelow}">
+	<tfoot>
+		<tr>
+			<td colspan="6">
+				<f:render section="paginator" arguments="{pagination: pagination, position:'bottom', recordsLabel: configuration.recordsLabel}" />
+			</td>
+		</tr>
+	</tfoot>
+<f:section name="paginator">
+	<nav class="pagination-wrap">
+		<ul class="pagination pagination-block">
+			<f:if condition="{pagination.hasLessPages}">
+				<f:then>
+					<li>
+						<a href="{sg:widget.uri(arguments:{currentPage: 1})}" title="{f:translate(key:'widget.pagination.first')}">
+							<core:icon identifier="actions-view-paging-first" />
+						</a>
+					</li>
+					<li>
+						<a href="{sg:widget.uri(arguments:{currentPage: pagination.previousPage})}" title="{f:translate(key:'widget.pagination.previous')}">
+							<core:icon identifier="actions-view-paging-previous" />
+						</a>
+					</li>
+				</f:then>
+				<f:else>
+					<li class="disabled">
+						<span>
+							<core:icon identifier="actions-view-paging-first" />
+						</span>
+					</li>
+					<li class="disabled">
+						<span>
+							<core:icon identifier="actions-view-paging-previous" />
+						</span>
+					</li>
+				</f:else>
+			</f:if>
+			<li>
+				<span>
+					<f:if condition="{recordsLabel}">
+						<f:then>
+							{recordsLabel}
+						</f:then>
+						<f:else>
+							<f:translate key="widget.pagination.records" />
+						</f:else>
+					</f:if>
+					{pagination.startRecord} - {pagination.endRecord} / {pagination.totalObjects}
+				</span>
+			</li>
+			<li>
+				<span>
+					<f:translate key="widget.pagination.page" />
+					<form id="paginator-form-{position}" onsubmit="goToPage{position}(this); return false;" style="display:inline;">
+					<script type="text/javascript">
+						function goToPage{position}(formObject){
+							var url = '{sg:widget.uri(arguments:{currentPage: 987654321}) -> f:format.raw()}';
+							var page = formObject.elements['paginator-target-page'].value;
+							if (page > {pagination.numberOfPages}) {
+								page = {pagination.numberOfPages};
+							}
+						else
+							if (page < 1) {
+								page = 1;
+							}
+							url = url.replace('987654321', page);
+							self.location.href = url;
+						}
+					</script>
+					<f:form.textfield id="paginator-{position}" name="paginator-target-page" additionalAttributes="{min: '1'}" class="form-control input-sm paginator-input" size="5" value="{pagination.current}" type="number" />
+					</form>
+					/ {pagination.numberOfPages}
+				</span>
+			</li>
+			<f:if condition="{pagination.hasMorePages}">
+				<f:then>
+					<li>
+						<a href="{sg:widget.uri(arguments:{currentPage: pagination.nextPage})}" title="{f:translate(key:'widget.pagination.next')}">
+							<core:icon identifier="actions-view-paging-next" />
+						</a>
+					</li>
+					<li>
+						<a href="{sg:widget.uri(arguments:{currentPage: pagination.numberOfPages})}" title="{f:translate(key:'widget.pagination.last')}">
+							<core:icon identifier="actions-view-paging-last" />
+						</a>
+					</li>
+				</f:then>
+				<f:else>
+					<li class="disabled">
+						<span>
+							<core:icon identifier="actions-view-paging-next" />
+						</span>
+					</li>
+					<li class="disabled">
+						<span>
+							<core:icon identifier="actions-view-paging-last" />
+						</span>
+					</li>
+				</f:else>
+			</f:if>
+			<li>
+				<a href="{sg:widget.uri(arguments:{currentPage: pagination.current})}" title="{f:translate(key:'widget.pagination.refresh')}">
+					<core:icon identifier="actions-refresh" />
+				</a>
+			</li>
+		</ul>
+	</nav>
diff --git a/Resources/Public/Icons/module-sgnews.svg b/Resources/Public/Icons/module-sgnews.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0cfe412d7293248e670a14ec19342512cee0527d
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@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
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1.018-.643.268-1.339.375-2.143.375a5.4 5.4 0 0 1-1.339-.16 11.764 11.764 0 0 1-1.286-.375 5.551 5.551 0 0 1-1.125-.59 3.51 3.51 0 0 1-.964-.803l.803-1.286c.054-.107.161-.161.268-.214.107-.055.214-.107.321-.107.161 0 .321.053.536.214s.429.269.697.429c.268.16.589.321.911.482.375.16.803.214 0 1.339-.161 1.768-.536.429-.375.643-.91.643-1.553 0-.375-.107-.697-.268-.911-.214-.214-.428-.429-.75-.589a6.33 6.33 0 0 0-1.071-.429c-.375-.107-.804-.214-1.232-.375-.429-.107-.804-.269-1.232-.482-.375-.161-.75-.429-1.071-.75s-.589-.696-.75-1.125c-.214-.429-.268-1.018-.268-1.661 0-.535.107-1.018.322-1.553.214-.482.536-.965.911-1.34a4.69 4.69 0 0 1 1.5-.91 5.73 5.73 0 0 1 2.036-.375c.857 0 1.661.107 2.357.375.697.268 1.339.643 1.822 1.125l-.753 1.125zm11.035 9.858c.589 0 1.125-.055 1.607-.161.429-.107.857-.269 1.286-.429v-2.625h-1.821a.615.615 0 0 1-.429-.16.488.488 0 0 1-.161-.375v-1.5h4.822v5.839c-.375.268-.75.481-1.125.696s-.804.375-1.286.482c-.428.107-.911.214-1.446.268s-1.071.107-1.661.107c-1.071 0-2.036-.161-2.893-.536-.911-.375-1.661-.856-2.303-1.554a6.338 6.338 0 0 1-1.5-2.357c-.375-.91-.536-1.875-.536-2.945 0-1.072.161-2.09.536-3a7.681 7.681 0 0 1 1.5-2.357 6.338 6.338 0 0 1 2.357-1.5c.911-.375 1.982-.536 3.107-.536 1.178 0 2.196.161 3.053.536.857.375 1.607.803 2.197 1.339l-.804 1.232c-.161.268-.375.375-.589.375a.865.865 0 0 1-.482-.161c-.214-.107-.429-.268-.643-.375s-.482-.214-.75-.321c-.268-.106-.589-.161-.911-.214a7.333 7.333 0 0 0-1.179-.107c-.696 0-1.339.107-1.929.375-.589.215-1.071.59-1.5 1.018-.428.429-.696.965-.964 1.607a6.582 6.582 0 0 0-.322 2.09c0 .856.107 1.553.375 1.178.964 1.66.429.429.911.804 1.5 1.018a5.651 5.651 0 0 0 1.93.321m21.911 1.981h-2.09c-.214 0-.428-.054-.589-.161a.825.825 0 0 1-.321-.428l-1.071-2.947h-6l-1.072 2.947c-.053.16-.161.268-.321.428-.161.107-.375.215-.589.215h-2.089l5.679-14.465h2.732l5.731 14.411zm-9.375-5.464h4.607l-1.768-4.822c-.054-.214-.161-.481-.268-.75a4.182 4.182 0 0 1-.268-.964c-.107.321-.161.644-.268.964-.107.269-.161.536-.268.75l-1.767 4.822zm14.946 3.268h5.786v2.196h-8.465V23.607h2.679m9.429 0h2.679v14.464h-2.679V23.607zm9.054.053c.054 0 . 7.607 9.697c-.054-.215-.054-.482-.054-.697v-9.428h2.357v14.464h-1.394c-.214 0-.375-.054-.535-.106-.16-.055-.268-.161-.429-.375l-7.554-9.644c0 .214.054.429.054.644v9.481h-2.356V23.607h1.393c.108 0 .214 0 .322.053m22.553 2.572a.55.55 0 0 1-.268.321c-.107.054-.215.106-.322.106s-.268-.053-.428-.16a5.625 5.625 0 0 0-.59-.321c-.215-.107-.482-.269-.804-.321a3.223 3.223 0 0 0-1.071-.161c-.375 0-.696.054-.965.161-.268.107-.535.214-.695.375-.215.16-.322.375-.43.589-.106.214-.16.482-.16.75 0 .321.107.644.268.857.215.214.429.429.75.589.322.161.697.322 1.072.429.375.107.803.269 1.231.429s.804.321 1.232.482c.375.214.75.428 1.071.696.321.268.59.643.75 1.554 0 .643-.107 1.286-.321 1.821a4.018 4.018 0 0 1-.964 1.5c-.429.429-.965.75-1.554 1.018-.644.268-1.339.375-2.144.375-.481 0-.91-.053-1.339-.16s-.856-.215-1.286-.375a5.551 5.551 0 0 1-1.125-.59 3.525 3.525 0 0 1-.964-.803l.804-1.286c.054-.107.16-.161.268-.214.107-.055.215-.107.322-.107.16 0 .32.053.535.214s.429.269.696.429c.269.16.589.321.911.482.375.16.803.214 0 1.34-.161 1.768-.536.43-.375.644-.91.644-1.553 0-.375-.107-.697-.269-.911-.214-.214-.428-.429-.75-.589-.32-.161-.643-.322-1.07-.429-.375-.107-.805-.214-1.232-.375-.429-.107-.804-.269-1.232-.482-.375-.161-.75-.429-1.071-.75s-.589-.696-.75-1.125c-.214-.429-.269-1.018-.269-1.661 0-.535.107-1.018.322-1.553a4.56 4.56 0 0 1 .91-1.34 4.69 4.69 0 0 1 1.5-.91 5.735 5.735 0 0 1 2.036-.375c.856 0 1.661.107 2.356.375.697.268 1.34.643 1.822 1.125l-.748 1.125zm7.178 3.428h.644c.268 0 .481-.053.643-.106s.321-.161.429-.321l3.965-5.036c.16-.214.32-.375.535-.429.16-.107.429-.107.696-.107h2.304l-4.875 6c-.16.161-.321.322-.429.482-.161.107-.268.215-.429.322.215.106.429. 6.75h-2.357c-.321 0-.536-.054-.696-.161a1.242 1.242 0 0 1-.375-.375l-4.071-5.356c-.107-.161-.269-.321-.429-.375s-.429-.107-.696-.107h-.857v6.375h-2.679V23.607h2.679v6.053h-.163zm12.911-6.053H150v14.464h-2.679V23.607z"/></svg>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Public/Scripts/Backend.js b/Resources/Public/Scripts/Backend.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..620eff05f9bcaccb06bf0a8c73fe0c0647c989d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Public/Scripts/Backend.js
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+(function($) {
+	$(document).ready(function() {
+		$.get(TYPO3.settings.ajaxUrls['sg_news::ajaxPing']);
+	});
+// functions for backend docheader functionality
+function jumpExt(URL, anchor) {    //
+	var anc = anchor ? anchor : "";
+	window.location.href = URL + (T3_THIS_LOCATION ? "&returnUrl=" + T3_THIS_LOCATION : "") + anc;
+	return false;
+function jumpSelf(URL) {    //
+	window.location.href = URL + (T3_RETURN_URL ? "&returnUrl=" + T3_RETURN_URL : "");
+	return false;
+function jumpToUrl(URL) {
+	window.location.href = URL;
+	return false;
+function setHighlight(id) {    //
+	top.fsMod.recentIds["web"] = id;
+	top.fsMod.navFrameHighlightedID["web"] = "pages" + id + "_" + top.fsMod.currentBank;    // For highlighting
+	if (top.content && top.content.nav_frame && top.content.nav_frame.refresh_nav) {
+		top.content.nav_frame.refresh_nav();
+	}
+ * Switches to the spefied page in the BE
+ *
+ * @param {number} uid
+ * @param {string} path
+ */
+function sgNewsGoToPage(uid, path, selectOnly) {
+	if(typeof selectOnly === 'undefined') {
+		selectOnly = false;
+	}
+	selectOnly = Boolean(selectOnly);
+	if (top.nav) {
+		if (selectOnly) {
+			top.nav.invokePageId(uid, gotToPageCallbackNoFollow);
+		} else {
+			top.nav.invokePageId(uid, gotToPageCallback);
+		}
+	} else {
+		var tree = top.Ext.getCmp('typo3-pagetree');
+		if (tree) {
+			tree.activeTree.selectPath(path);
+		}
+		if (selectOnly) {
+			return;
+		}
+		var separator = '?';
+		if (top.currentSubScript.indexOf('?') !== -1) {
+			separator = '&';
+		}
+		top.TYPO3.Backend.ContentContainer.setUrl(
+			top.currentSubScript + separator + 'id=' + uid
+		);
+	}
+ * Callback for page selection in the pagetree without follow
+ */
+function gotToPageCallbackNoFollow(path){
+	var callback = top.Ext.createDelegate(top.nav.mainTree.selectPath, top.nav.mainTree);
+	callback.apply(this, arguments);
+ * Callback for page selection in the pagetree
+ */
+function gotToPageCallback(path){
+	var callback = top.Ext.createDelegate(top.nav.mainTree.selectPath, top.nav.mainTree);
+	callback.apply(this, arguments);
+	var node = top.nav.getSelected();
+	if (node) {
+		top.TYPO3.Components.PageTree.Actions.singleClick(node, top.TYPO3.Components.PageTree.Tree);
+	}
+ * opens the selected category edit form
+ *
+ * @return {boolean}
+ */
+function editSelectedCategory(){
+	var selected = TYPO3.jQuery('#filter-categories').val();
+	if(selected && CategoryEditLinks[selected[0]]) {
+		jumpToUrl(CategoryEditLinks[selected[0]] + '&returnUrl=' + T3_THIS_LOCATION);
+	}
+	return false;
+function sgNewsGoToPageModule(uid, path) {
+	sgNewsGoToPage(uid, path, true);
+	parent.fsMod.recentIds['web'] = uid;
+	parent.TYPO3.ModuleMenu.App.showModule('web_layout');
+	return false;
diff --git a/ext_conf_template.txt b/ext_conf_template.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5a0d655968734511aea82af803b0efdf5c632244
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext_conf_template.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# cat=license; type=string; label=LLL:EXT:sg_news/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:configuration.licenseKey
+key =
diff --git a/ext_emconf.php b/ext_emconf.php
index 6bf1fb5750a20976a47bdcc09ae57ab670209a21..1cad58fbfecf4f21f955b194f50a59c9256d2397 100644
--- a/ext_emconf.php
+++ b/ext_emconf.php
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ $EM_CONF[$_EXTKEY] = [
 	'constraints' => [
 		'depends' => [
 			'typo3' => '7.6.0-8.7.99',
-			'php' => '5.5.0-7.1.99',
+			'php' => '5.6.0-7.1.99',
 		'conflicts' => [],
 		'suggests' => [
diff --git a/ext_localconf.php b/ext_localconf.php
index 4c878c952f116dbdbb381d7cc6959862d59ab63b..2686473c8aa5b18333d7d276e2c177e37c5d11b5 100644
--- a/ext_localconf.php
+++ b/ext_localconf.php
@@ -83,3 +83,13 @@ if (\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::isLoaded('realurl')) {
 	$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['ext/realurl/class.tx_realurl_autoconfgen.php']['extensionConfiguration']['sgnews'] =
 		\SGalinski\SgNews\Hooks\RealUrlAutoConfiguration::class . '->addNewsConfig';
+/** @var \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\SignalSlot\Dispatcher $signalSlotDispatcher */
+$signalSlotDispatcher = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\SignalSlot\Dispatcher::class);
+	\TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Controller\EditDocumentController::class,
+	'preInitAfter',
+	\SGalinski\SgNews\Hooks\EditDocumentController::class,
+	'preInitAfter'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ext_tables.php b/ext_tables.php
index 983a3a4e742a80fc6577364bfb182c24ee61c71f..2ebfed203c51c5eeca7bf553eb63cd64162a3c33 100644
--- a/ext_tables.php
+++ b/ext_tables.php
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ if (TYPO3_MODE === 'BE') {
 			'access' => 'user,group',
-			'icon' => 'EXT:sg_news/Resources/Public/Images/News.png',
+			'icon' => 'EXT:sg_news/Resources/Public/Icons/module-sgnews.svg',
 			'labels' => 'LLL:EXT:sg_news/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf',