diff --git a/Resources/Public/Scripts/ScrollBrowser.js b/Resources/Public/Scripts/ScrollBrowser.js
index 9b45a2a8ddc47c7d0bc498bb5e3e4ff168f5a295..01e48be7362f0249ba3fc660affd33ab1f36dc85 100644
--- a/Resources/Public/Scripts/ScrollBrowser.js
+++ b/Resources/Public/Scripts/ScrollBrowser.js
@@ -67,44 +67,50 @@ SG.ElementScrollBrowser.prototype = {
 		this.url = $('.tx-pagebrowse-next a').attr('href');
-		$(window).on(
-			'scroll', function() {
-				var recordLockedOrNotInPosition = this.lock || !this.checkPosition();
-				var urlIsInvalid = typeof this.url === 'undefined' || this.url === this.lastUrl;
-				if (recordLockedOrNotInPosition || urlIsInvalid) {
-					return;
-				}
-				this.lock = true;
-				$.ajax(
-					{
-						url: this.url,
-						success: function(response) {
-							var results = $(response).find('.tx-sgnews-list');
-							results.each(function(index, result) {
-								var $result = $(result);
-								var children = $result.children();
-								if (!children.length) {
-									return;
-								}
-								var $resultList = $('.tx-sgnews-list-' + $result.data('category'));
-								if (!$resultList.length) {
-									$resultList = $('.tx-sgnews-list');
-								}
-								$resultList.append(children);
-								this.loadIndicator = $resultList.children(':last');
-							});
-							this.lastUrl = this.url;
-							this.url = $(response).find('.tx-pagebrowse-next a').attr('href');
-							this.lock = false;
-						}.bind(this)
-					}
-				);
-			}.bind(this)
+		$(window).on('scroll', this.checkAndLoad.bind(this));
+		// initial check
+		this.checkAndLoad();
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Checks and loads the next page if required
+	 */
+	checkAndLoad: function() {
+		var recordLockedOrNotInPosition = this.lock || !this.checkPosition();
+		var urlIsInvalid = typeof this.url === 'undefined' || this.url === this.lastUrl;
+		if (recordLockedOrNotInPosition || urlIsInvalid) {
+			return;
+		}
+		this.lock = true;
+		$.ajax(
+			{
+				url: this.url,
+				success: function(response) {
+					var results = $(response).find('.tx-sgnews-list');
+					results.each(function(index, result) {
+						var $result = $(result);
+						var children = $result.children();
+						if (!children.length) {
+							return;
+						}
+						var $resultList = $('.tx-sgnews-list-' + $result.data('category'));
+						if (!$resultList.length) {
+							$resultList = $('.tx-sgnews-list');
+						}
+						$resultList.append(children);
+						this.loadIndicator = $resultList.children(':last');
+					});
+					this.lastUrl = this.url;
+					this.url = $(response).find('.tx-pagebrowse-next a').attr('href');
+					this.lock = false;
+				}.bind(this)
+			}